Unidentified Flying Oddball

1979 "Chaos in the Cosmos!"
5.2| 1h33m| G| en| More Info
Released: 26 July 1979 Released
Producted By: Walt Disney Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A NASA spacecraft proves Einstein right when, traveling faster than light, it ends up near King Arthur's Camelot. On board are big-hearted Tom Trimble and Hermes, the look-alike robot he built. Tom immediately makes friends with pretty Alisande while becoming enemies with the evil knight Sir Mordred. It seems Mordred has joined up with the Sorcerer Merlin and they are both up to no good. It is now up to Tom to try and use 20th century technology to foil their plans.

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Russ Mayberry

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Walt Disney Productions


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Unidentified Flying Oddball Audience Reviews

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
aramis-112-804880 I suppose I was part of the target audience for "Unidentified Flying Oddball" since I graduated high school in 1979; and it's not a children's movie, then or today. Unlike "Mary Poppins" or other Disney classics of that ilk, the movie contains no children. And since it moves kind of slowly it probably won't interest kids today . . . after all, the "Oddball" (Dennis Dugan) proudly listens to "l-ps" and takes pictures with . . . a camera! For kids today it might as well be a silent picture. And it has a scantily-clad woman on the cover of a girlie mag cleverly called "Playtime" with lettering similar to a similarly titled mag. I missed this movie the year it came out, but catching it for the first time nearly 40 years later I can report . . . it's not as bad as I feared. Star Dennis Dugan was just coming off his own tv show, "Richie Brockelman, Private Eye" (though he probably is more famous today for playing the same character on "The Rockford Files"). He's just as winsome as he was on television. But he does play a nerdish character who wears big bow ties and loud sports jackets and smiles a lot. This was before Bill Murry and his ilk made jerks heroes. Dugan tries to be more a throwback to the days of Bob Hope and Danny Kaye, and I think Disney was trying for an ambiance like Kaye's "Court Jester." Disney was pretty much in the dumps at this time. But the Disney name was still able to attract big stars, and "Unidentified Flying Oddball" does not stint on the actors. The story is based (extraordinary loosely) on the Mark Twain novel A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT (so loosely, in fact, I don't know why they bothered with the attribution). King Arthur is played by a truly great actor, Kenneth More, in his big-screen swan song. Arthur's sidekick Gawain is John le Mesurier, a prolific actor whose comic expressions provide some of the movie's few giggles. Also giggle-worthy is Ron Moody (Fagin in "Oliver!") who tries to steal the picture with his expressions, voice modulations, and ridiculous haircut. For fans, the movie is worth watching once just to see Moody's performance. Mordred, the villain of the piece, is played by erstwhile "Carry On" performer Jim Dale (what, was Roddy McDowell unavailable?). While cunning actors More, Mesurier and Moody seem to realize the sort of flick they're in, Dale comes on with a fire-and-brimstone performance like he's in another movie entirely. Oh, and just as, in 1963, Disney cast in "Doctor Syn" one George Cole, legendary in England and unknown stateside, here legendary Brit Rodney Bewes plays the lowly (but helpful) Clarence. It's always good to see Bewes get work. I'm not up on the, science but I assume it's rubbish. I have (since graduating high school that year) studied medieval history extensively and I can say for certain the history is rubbish. Let's forget the nonexistence of King Arthur and accept him as given. The castle is six hundred years out of date, the jousting shown here even more so. The armor, weapons and the rest of it are as much out of place in the 500s AD as Clarence's "thees" and "thous." But why nitpick? It's just a silly romantic comedy and no worse, if perhaps more simple-minded, than some of the movies I took dates to in the late 1970s. Silly fun, and I mean . . . really silly. I mean . . . really, really, really silly. Don't go into this movie with any hopes you're going to see a rival to "Star Wars." I went in with low expectations and a bad head cold (with medication) and that helped a lot.
bkoganbing Instead of a shrewd Yankee blacksmith from Connecticut it's a NASA scientist played by Dennis Dugan who arrives in Camelot at the court of King Arthur in Camelot. Dugan steps into the tradition of Will Rogers and Bing Crosby as the Disney Studios now do its version of the old Mark Twain tale.Only Dugan is not looking to modernize the place. In fact he got trapped in the rocketship when it lifted off from Cape Kennedy. The passenger is supposed to be a robot who looks like Dennis Dugan which is only right since he designed him. So it's twins who arrive in Camelot .But who can predict the ways of love as Dugan falls for peasant girl Sheila White, the human Dugan that is. But there's trouble afoot as Kenneth More who is King Arthur is having trouble from Merlin who is played by Ron Moody and that ever villainous nephew of his Mordred played here by the Carry On troupe's Jim Dale.With some NASA style ingenuity put to use Dugan takes up the King's cause and defeat's the villains as you would expect. As was in books and previous films. Will he defy time and space and get the girl though?It worked differently for Will and Bing.
Leaf-7 Unlike my learned colleague, I apparently have room in my life for tres mal cinema...I loved this movie. Now, I am not going to tell you it's GOOD, by any means, but you have to give credit to the fine old British actors who salvaged what they could -- Jim Dale and several of the others did an amazing job with the awful script they were given. If you like "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "I Married a Space Alien", and the like, then this movie is right up there. Frankly, I think tres mal cinema nights demand this sort of thing. So, get a keg, grab your high school buddies, get out the D&D dice and enjoy -- and you can, like me, root for the bad guys cos it is sooooo bad!It's a MOVIE, not fine Romanticist literature, after all!
Jason-173 This is one of those films that starts with a bad title and only gets worse.If I recall, I saw this at my friend Kirk's tenth birthday party and it was the first time I used the word 'dreck' in a sentence.'Unidentified Flying Oddball' has all the appearance of having been written and filmed over a long weekend. Edited in someone's basement one night over a keg of beer.One thing sticks in my memory like an oak splinter: the way Spaceman Tom never called King Arthur 'your majesty' or 'sire,' but instead just plain ol' good ol' 'King.' As in 'hey, King, get yer hands offa my girl, see.' If you like that sort of talk, and your brain development arrested in grade three, then the team behind 'Unidentified Flying Oddball' wants you.The science was excellent, however. I know now that if I ever need to defend myself from a deathly laser beam, I need only wear the shiniest armour I can find ('Say, King, gimme yer armor! Now don't get all persnickety on me, see? I'll give it back all nice and proper-like, and polished up with good ol' American spit shine').Disney produced this matted ass-hair sandwich in the days before they became the media Godzilla they are now. Their stock was leaning into the toilet in those days and, hey, so will you after seeing this film.Incoherent plot, humourless gags, crummy special effects, poor sets. It's not a good kid's film. Not a good film, even though based on a Mark Twain story. But I may change my tune. Perhaps someday I'll see this movie the way I presume it was meant to be seen. On crack.