U.S. Seals

3.7| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 18 January 2000 Released
Producted By: Nu Image
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Dozens of American cargos with high valuable goods have disappeared, probably attacked by modern pirates. The United States decide to mobilize a team of expert SWAT, with Mike Bradley as leader, sending them to destroy the pirates' base, namely a deserted oil rig near Turkey. But these are cleverly waiting for them.



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Yossi Wein

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Nu Image


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U.S. Seals Audience Reviews

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
augdr-5 After returning from Iraq, I needed some R&R time to decompress.About half way through i decided to begin watching some movies for entertainment, because i had walked through the beaches and palm trees as much as one could. About the fifth movie I picked up i rented U.S.Seals. I thought it was acted nicely. I liked the story of the wife being attacked by terrorists, because that's what terrorists do, they threaten your families, and I was very happily surprised. The film was cohesive and well planned out. The movie sets were also very real. If you ever been to a wore-torn country, it looked very similar. Im assuming this was shot in an eastern block state. Good job.
rnigma-1 It's much too obvious that the glowing positive comments supposedly from military types are actually shills who are related to the producers, or more likely fans of the star, Jim Fitzputrid - many of them have only one or two comments in total. The negative reviews are correct: "U.S. Seals" IS that horrible.It's a damn shame William Witney is no longer with us. He could have shown the producers how to do an action movie correctly, and make it actually entertaining. And he worked with low budgets at Republic studios. About all that "U.S. Seals" has in common with the old B-Westerns and B war films (many of which Witney directed) is shootouts in which the bad guys can't hit the side of a battleship, yet the good guys fire wild shots that magically kill the baddies, often bloodlessly.The threadbare production is embarrassing. The command center that looks like someone's living room, American military personnel using Russian weapons, the visible squib wires running up the bad guy's leg in the scene where he's shot to death-- these have been pointed out in the other reviews (the ones not posted by shills, of course).Watching this back to back with "American Soldiers" is recommended only for the masochistic.
jvidell I can't even begin to describe how truly horrible this movie was. I'll try to point out a few.During the entire movie some of the soldiers, both the good and the bad guys, are using the standard RPG launcher, but just the launcher, no rocket propelled grenades.There is a horrible dues ex machina during the final firefight when there is a truck filled with barrels full of some explosive substance that just happens to be suspended by a crane directly over the route that the bad guys are taking, and when the seal shoots the cable the truck falls and explodes along with the barrels.The editing is particularly bad, and in one scene a seal quickly turns to his right and shoots a bad guy. The camera cuts to a scene with dozens of bad guys running by and one in the middle dies. Where are the other bad guys running? Why aren't they running to get the seal? It's as if they don't know he is there, even after he shoots someone! During a chase scene to APC's drive into a town square, where there is a minor firefight. During this battle a small car travels at high speed, hits another vehicle, and flips onto it's side with an explosion and crashes through the square. The vehicle had nothing to do with the firefight, which was VERY brief, no one was firing at that moment, and the two APC's were stopped. It was nothing more than a gratuitous explosion. I don't what is worse, the fact that they had it in the film, or the fact that not only did someone think it would enhance the movie but someone else agreed that it was a good addition to the movie! During a battle the lead actor is taking cover behind a tree, he leans out, hurls a grenade at a bunker (and it is obvious that he isn't even looking in the direction of the bunker) and he gets the grenade through a narrow firing slit that is barely bigger than the grenade.When the above APC chase begins, the lead APC with the bad guy turns down a road that is like a farmer's market. There are stalls set up half on the road, on both sides, and tables with people strewn down the middle of the road. It is so obviously fake and cheesy and serves no purpose other than to drive an APC down the street and through and over stalls and tables and chairs. (And when the first APC drives into the square in the above example it just happens to steer directly to an outdoor café area.) As someone else mentioned, two guys with pistols and no visible extra clips take on at least 30-40 guys with AK47's and not only kill them all, they do it with 10 bullets each! And what is worse, is they run right past some of these dead soldiers and don't pick up any of the AK47's.When they are attacking an oil rig there is a section with two steel bunkers on an elevated tower, and there just happens to be a crane with a large cement bucket on it, right next to the bunkers, and at just the right height. Again, another deus ex machina, and a horrible one at that.I can go on and on and on, but this is really bad cinema. Compared to this movie, the Chuck Norris Missing in Action movies are academy worthy works of cinematic art. Avoid this movie at all costs. It really isn't even worth it as a movie that is unintentionally funny. It is simply bad.
Vaokur I saw this poor excuse for a movie a few weeks ago on TV. In my family there is a strong tradition of watching bad movies to find plot holes, mistakes and what not. 10min in it seemed watchable, another 10m and we are all laughing. 30min later we had all given up on finding plot holes and all of that, too many to count! What really struck me as weird (besides the magical clips that never run out of bullets and all the stuff others have commented on) were the following:1. When raiding or whatever they were doing on the oil rig, they stopped in middle of battle to take of their helmets and the baddies were so kind not to shoot at them while doing that i seem to recall. 2. The warehouse had plenty of empty paper boxes all around so that the bad guys could get thrown into them by whatever excuse they had. 3. Why were 2 Navy Seal team members sent undercover to Albania?This is a new low for the movie industry. I heard there was a sequel and that makes you think of they saying "There is a sucker born every minute" because only the most idiodic sucker would invest in this c***!I hope that film-making schools show this movie as an example on how NOT! to make a moviePS: pardon the spelling