You won't be disappointed!
Nice effects though.
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Oh the humanity! I cant help but squirm when reading reviews from people that just don't get bad films!! This movie IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!! It is trash cinema at its finest. To be honest, if you bought or rented this expecting good acting or anything more than z grade acting, you need help! :) The cover art alone sums up this movie. Doing a quick search on Godfrey Ho, the director, you'll realize very quickly he is well known for budget films with no plot.Those of you that have a sense of humor, and can appreciate bad films, this is the movie for you! Both Catman in Lethal track, and Catman Boxers Blow have no plots, bad acting, the most horrible overdubs, plenty of $2 special effects, which is why these movies are so hilariously good.This film is highly recommended to badfilm enthusiasts!!
This movie is absolutely horrible. If you enjoy gouging your eyes out while screaming in agony, you'll enjoy this movie immensely.It has exactly one sound for when someone hits someone else (bam!). Fights start for no reason, there's no continuity, the characters change continually (Catman himself's only around for a few minutes in the entire movie), it doesn't have a plot... I got the impression that it has something to do with nuclear weapons, but I'm not sure whatThere's a brilliant scene where someone tortures someone else by eating worms (the logic behind this isn't apparent)This is most definitely the worst movie I've ever seen... laughed so hard my cheek muscles hurt. Keep the fast-forward button close by...
I want my 90 minutes of my life back.The director should be slapped.I dunno what's worse, the acting or the lack of funding for this POS.The actors should all attend acting school, and the sound person should be fired for using the same two punching sound effects throughout this whole monstrosity.I'm glad it only cost 2 bucks or else I'd be even more p***ed.The fact that there's no way of following the story and everyone ends all their conversations with a fight just goes to show the wonders of this director's creativity. The whole movie feels like an impromptu elementary school play.
What a stunning film this was. After the shockingly good first Catman film, I shortly found that there was a sequel made. I jumped for joy and quickly ordered the DVD of it from an eBay user. I had a strong feeling it could not live up the the greatness of the first Catman film, but it did. The plot about the nuclear starter with Catman and Gus was very well done, as was the plot involving the many Asian men beating each other up at random moments. The acting was outstanding. The man who played Catman is very talented and shows a very believable personality on screen. He and Gus make excellent partners. The villians were also stunning actors. The script for this film was just as good as Catman 1, too. I won't spoil it for you, you must see the movie for yourself to believe in it's pure excellence.All I can say is, this is a wonderful film. Anyone will love it. It's even a great family film - kids will love it! Go get a copy of it yourself, and bask in the glory that is Catman in Boxer's Blow!!!