I love this movie so much
A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
I wanted to believe that the scientist (physicist) who produced this documentary was right. I knew the official cause of the explosion, but always wondered if there had been something more menacing involved. This documentary is compelling.The problem is that the producer cherry-picks data and omits other data to support his hypothesis that a missile or similar rocket brought down the aircraft. In forming scientific hypotheses, the scientist is required to include all possible alternatives to results supporting his/her hypothesis.In TWA Flight 800 we hear all sorts of speculation from the producer and his witnesses. Together, the story presented is credible----- that a missile (described specifically by dozens of eye-witnesses on the ground) brought down Flight 800, and, that the government----- the FBI, NTSB, and DOD conspired to conclude that the cause was an explosion in the center wing fuel tank of the plane. The producer presents "chemical splatter" evidence on pieces of the recovered plane, explosive residue found on the parts, and variable injuries to passengers in different parts of the plane as evidence of an external explosive.Unfortunately, the producer fails to include in his documentary a very telling recorded comment (on the cockpit recorder) by the pilot about an inaccurate "crazy" reading of the fuel gauge of the #4 engine. This is critical because the NTSB speculated that the explosion was caused by an ignition source---probably fuel gauge sensor or (similarly located) wiring degradation/malfunction..In addition, the producer omits that there were previous center wing fuel tank explosions caused by the ignition of gas vapors in Boeing products, Avianca and Philippine Airlines for starters. These prior events are not referenced. This is critical because on the day of the crash of Flight 800, the plane was delayed over an hour with the air conditioning units running due to the hot weather. The units are located under the center wing fuel tank and would have contributed to the vapor buildup. This is what happened in the Philippine Airlines explosion, which occurred on the ground with the engines off.The producers do include that the plane was supposedly used for police canine training where explosive residues were used to train the police dogs on the plane at the airport, but he tries to refute that this training exercise took place as documented, casting doubt on the source of explosive residues from a benign source. Instead, he omits that the jet was used in 1991 to transport military equipment and troops exposed to explosive residue from the Gulf.Once I learned of these omissions, I could not believe anything the movie asked me to believe.While the official report can't say "with certainty" that the wiring in the center wing fuel tank caused the explosion, it does show significant evidence that this is the likely source of the ignition.As for the hundreds of well-meaning witnesses who believed that they saw a missile streaking up and striking the plane, well, all I can say is that eyewitness accounts are the LEAST reliable evidence.Once you look at other sources of information about the crash of flight 800, it is apparent that the likely scenario is the same as what was presented by the NTSB after four years of exhaustive investigation.
This documentary on the TWA 800 air disaster provides more than enough evidence to cast doubt on the official investigation and the ludicrous explanation that was made up out of thin air to explain why this fully loaded airliner ended up in the Atlantic Ocean.Anyone who has studied the TWA 800 event already knows that the official conclusion is completely absurd. Apparently we're to believe that a faulty wire caused the central fuel tank to explode. Yes, the FBI, CIA, and much of our government thinks the average citizen is actually dumb enough to accept this ridiculously implausible and unsubstantiated conclusion. Unfortunately much of the population accepted it without question and moved on with their lives, unaware of the treasonous and deceitful cover- up that was conducted by persons within the FBI, CIA, and NTSB. Missiles brought that plane down. The citizens demand to know why!
Opinions predominate, facts are scarce. Like all conspiracy films, this one sets out to prove a point. It is clear that evidence that disproves the conspiracy theory is edited out. Interview clips are edited to make opinions seems certain, or that doubt is evidentiary proof! Someone did not do a test, so that proves they were covering up something. Eye witnesses are presented as completely credible when research has shown that they are almost the least reliable evidence. The body language of many of the interviewees strongly indicates that they are lying. I wonder if any was subject to a polygraph test? I doubt they would pass.The proof is like the proof that Nicole Brown Simpson was killed by drug dealers. A possibility that is not disproved does not mean the possibility is fact. Space aliens could have shot down Flight 800!!! Except they didn't."What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
I had heard a few weeks ago that a number of investigators of the Flight 800 disaster had come out publicly about their "reservations" about the official conclusions of the NTSB investigation. I did not, however, realize that there was a documentary that had been made, detailing the substance of those "reservations". Serendipity, and perhaps Fate, led me to be searching my DVR for something to watch at 3 am, whereupon I chanced to see this title. Hmmmm...*** Spoiler Alert? *** This documentary is unique, as far as I know, in its inclusion of high-level technical officials involved in an actual investigation, giving very specific details (technical and otherwise) of a cover-up as it happened. For this alone is this film compelling in the extreme.In addition to this, the broad cross-section of eyewitness accounts, technical data, and media footage demonstrates convincingly that not only did Flight 800 *not* explode due to a center wing tank anomaly, but that 3 (yes, *three*) different plumes/flares/etc. were witnessed by multiple (i.e. **many**) witnesses interacting with the doomed airliner, eyewitness accounts which were excluded from the NTSB investigation, an apparently unique circumstance, according to the seasoned investigators. Also, the investigators' assertions of very specific pieces of evidence and analyses which simply "disappeared" from or were plainly modified at the closed investigation hangar are greatly disturbing. Finally, the skew of the media coverage of the event and investigation relative to the asserted facts is impossible to discount as merely "reportage of the story".The final and most explosive (pun intended) evidence in the sickening array of exposed lies is the radar return immediately after the explosion of the plane showing fragments at a distance which are consistent *only* with a velocity of about Mach 4 (~3000 mi/h), a velocity which could not be reached by anything other than a rocket or a high-explosive detonation.In a larger context, this unique exposition of official skullduggery, malfeasance, and frankly, Evil, should hopefully shake the cobwebs loose from a new contingent of the un-awake sheeple enough to begin to make them question *other* as-yet-unsatisfactorily-explained "disasters". Such as World Trade Center Building 7.