The fourth entry in the neverending "Troublesome Night" series finds the usual cast in the same series of Twilight Zone-style episodes. This film follows a bunch of Hong Kong tourists visiting the Philippines. As always, the stories vary in tone and style, ranging from sentimental to silly to quite dark...The first story is a fantasy/romance and stars Timmy Hung (Sammo's son) as a shy courier whose job is to transport a Filipina girl's ashes to her native country. He is met at the airport by Rocky, a Filipino who speaks Chinese, who asks Alan to stay a little longer to help the girl's spirit meet her lover. The second story stars Pauline Suen and Louis Koo as a seemingly happy couple on vacation. Suen soon becomes suspicious that her husband has been to the Philippines before and cheated on her. He definitely has a wandering eye, but has he actually cheated? This is probably the best of the three stories, if only for the chilling ending with the fortune-teller. The third story is typical slapstick horror-comedy with three horny HK guys (named Leonardo, diCaprio and Driver) trying to "get some" with Filipina hookers. Of course, they end up in a brothel full of zombies that has something to do with a volcano and Simon Loui has a funny scene where he is chased naked around a hotel by a ghost....Although there is a little too much emphasis on showing off the physical assets of the Filipina cast members, and the moralizing at the end seems VERY out of place, all three stories are a fun diversion, and one of the better entries in the Troublesome Night series.