The series focuses on the adventures of Arata Kasuga, a high school student, who is targeted by Lilith, a teacher at a mystical school. Given three choices in an effort to help save the breakdown phenomenon of the world by evil forces and while attempting to solve the mystery of his beloved cousin and childhood friend, Hijiri, who disappeared to a difference space.
Trinity Seven: Heaven's Library & Crimson Lord (2019) is currently not available on any services.
Aya Uchida , Ayane Sakura , Yumi Hara , Ryoka Yuzuki , Yoshitsugu Matsuoka , Rie Murakawa
Hiroshi Nishikiori
Seven Arcs
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Hashira Meeting Arc
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba -To the Hashira Training-