Purely Joyful Movie!
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Tobias Burrows
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
This is a truly awful movie from the bland acting to the by-the-numbers script. It picked an apocalyptic theme from the bible and turned it into a preach fest. For those who think this is a good film, I can only say you truly have treat when you see a film that has more than the actor and nondescript background in shot. A good film evokes emotion from both sight and sound and lets good actors say so much without a word. Furthmore it takes the viewer on a journey with twists and turns leaving them gasping for the next scene. This was meant to be an escape into a biblical fantasy but forgets that for the fantasy genre, a cardinal rule must be kept that has been lost: "engage the viewer with the central character or characters and take them from a recognised reality to the world they seek to create with every scene and word. By pressing the "believe or perish" message it fails to do either. Furthermore there is no mystery in the story. There are no sub-plots. Potential for such was hamfistedly wasted. All in a all a bitter disappointment given its potential.
This movie is NOT nearly as bad as what people have said about it. I agree it is a movie made especially for Christians, and its ideas on the rapture are debatable, but beyond that its about finding God and overcoming your doubts as are the rest of the films in the series. The thing about the tree with Eileen's name on it. Its about knowing God in a very uncertain world. These films, although overtly are about the rapture and tribulation they are more subtly about knowing God and his redemption. Plus this film might be Gary Bussey's best role ever. A rare gem in the midst of a sea of B films. This film is something that I would recommend for any Christian struggling with their faith. It is not for everybody. The script was strong in places and I will agree it was a low budget production, but I would recommend it.
Maybe the mask and the healings are over the edge a bit, but the intensity was the right level, the deception was well portrayed -- hey, like they say "it could happen" just that way. Notice how people viewed non-marked persons as dangerous. Why? Because they were the last vestige of evidence that the deception was 1) real, and 2) resistible.Enjoy.
The excepting is not at all relevant to the Text of The Bible itself, BUT RATHER when the rapture occurs and the Faithful are carried away, the clothes they are wearing are all folded with the most perfect and immaculate of neatness. Simple logic itself says that in such a scenario, the clothes would be laying in a crumpled heap. Other than that, a fine Doomsday Movie, Kudos, Mr. Gary Busey (AKA Buddy Holly)
*** out of *****