Kattiera Nana
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Absolutely Brilliant!
If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Maleeha Vincent
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Americans go on a train in Europe that ends up being their last ride. That's this film summed up in one sentence, one boring sentence that actually is more entertaining than the film. This is Hostel meets Turistas on a train. How many times have we seen good-looking Americans (ugly ones never travel) that somehow get caught up in some sick plot about killing for for money, organ harvesting, teaching lessons, etc. These films seem like ANTI-TRAVEL ads, if you leave the states, you're going to die.The film doesn't bother with a plot, it simply needs to get characters for the slaughter in specific locations so bad guys can do harmful things to them. Films like these are basically an excuse to showcase gore, just like a film such as 2012 is made to showcase special effects. So how do you judge a film that is simply about cutting people up? You judge it on how well they accomplish that, how creative it can be and if it made you squirm. Does Train do any of these things? Well, characters are beaten, urinated on, cut open, stabbed, castrated, etc. So there is no real creativity going on here. People are simply chained up and then cut open for the most part. Train manages to fall into the horror clichés that have plagued the genre like a sickness. Let's take a look:1. Characters have a chance to escape, but don't? Check. 2. Characters have a weapon, drop it and leave it instead of using it? Check. 3. Characters give away passports/I.D. to strangers in other country just because? Check. 4. Characters go back to save someone who cannot be saved? Check. 5. Characters have opportunity to kill attacker, but instead choose to simply injure then run away? CHECK.This film had me rolling my eyes so much I hurt my eyeballs. Train is a flick you can miss, it adds nothing to the genre in terms of suspense, thrills, gore, entertainment, anything. It will anger you, frustrate you, cause you to rip your hair out. All these things and more!!!!
Oh, how I love the way the almighty good old US of A assumes that literally every single human being from Eastern Europe is a psychopathic butcher with bad personal hygiene, hideous scars all over and a fetish for amateur surgery. Bunch of American college students – athletes participating in an international tournament – miss their reserved train and thus have to travel to Ukraine in an alternative and deteriorating old train that is of course chock full of sadist and deeply unpleasant Eastern Europeans whose hobby is torturing foreigners. Wow, that is so original! No wait, I'm mistaken … it's actually the most dull, derivative and exaggeratedly overdone concept of the past ten years. I read here in the trivia section that "Train" was initially supposed to become a remake of "Terror Train"; a rather insignificant and almost entirely forgotten early 80's slasher starring scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis. So ironically enough, instead of a lousy and totally redundant remake, the film became a lousy and totally redundant clone of "Hostel" and approximately two dozen of other so-called torture porn flicks. But hey, the good news for fans of this particular sub genre of horror is that "Train" is definitely worth a rent if you need to still your hunger for nauseating gore and gratuitous bloodshed. The movie opens already with grisly images of a cadaver being skinned from head to toes and subsequently cut open, and there's plenty of more, including impalement, bludgeoning, throat slicing, meat-hooking, woman beating, raping, axe-wielding, head crushing and disembowelment. All this, of course, without any type of anesthetics and/or sterilized medical equipment! Writer/director Gideon Raff loves to show everything in great detail so be advised that "Train" is a really disgusting and ghastly flick. Thora Birch is too good of an actress to star in flicks like these, but luckily she's there, as the rest of the cast is bland and the maniacs are solely selected on their menacing grimaces.
This film was not at all what I expected. There seemed little motivation for this movie except to reinforce the stereotype that anything in Eastern Europe is dangerous. What I want to know is this - why is it in this and many other movies do Americans hand over their passports to untrustworthy strangers? After this, the hapless tourists wind up in one improbable blunder after another while committing every cliché horror movie mistake along the way.The acting is acceptable, and one had enough sympathy for the main character, played by Thora Birch, to see it through to the end, although the movie never satisfactorily explains how a young, vulnerable woman without ID can nonetheless get her credentials and passport back. While we do not expect horror movies to be realistic in every detail, we do expect not to have gaping holes in logic (unless explained within the movie itself).
This is one train journey that I never bargained for! And I mean that in a positively butchered sense :) I've watched many movies that has horrific violence but not at all engaging. But in Train, I was hooked to the proceedings from start to end. Director Gideon Raff ensures our attention throughout. The show-stopper of the movie is the lead actor Thora Birch with a stupendous performance. All the other actors paled in comparison, maybe it's because their roles were pretty weak too. But no memorable roles among the villains too here as all of 'em have a forgettable screen presence, which's really a negative. Verdict: Still want a moving blood & flesh show that holds your attention for nearly 90mins? Hop on this train :)