That was an excellent one.
Simply A Masterpiece
Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
Greco S
Definitely the best Wall Street drama I've seen since "Boiler room". The story is more or less classic, tight and very realistic. As a professional who has been through this cycle of the financial markets I believe that all aspects and details in the movie are covered in an extremely accurate way and show the real picture without exaggerating. Authenitc characters (though i believe Madsens performance was poor), real situations, nice framing, and an ending that is not typical for a french film maker. All filming sites are properly selected and create a really nice wall street like atmosphere. I strongly recommend it to all the fans of the financial genre. I believe the French deserve recognition for doing such a good movie with a tight budget. Enjoy!