Fresh and Exciting
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Roth van Turnhout
A mysterious illness has broken out, sending its victims into the hospitals convulsing and vomiting and generally looking really gross. The disease displays symptoms that lead super-doctor Tess Martin (Anne Heche) to begin thinking that the Bubonic Plague has erupted. But when a guy named Jack (James Tupper), who just so happens to Speak Truth to Power, gets on the scene, he clues Tess in a frightening conspiracy. Toxic Skies is one of those straight-to-video movies. For being a low budget film shot in Canada, this movie has great cinematography and editing. The movie had more potential if only the writing had been better. The script was too inaccurate and unrealistic. Too much effort was put into the message, and not enough into the quality of the film. The movie is slow.Toxic Skies cobbles a few elements from the movie "Outbreak", particularly why it becomes personally important for Tess to quickly discover a cure. The movie isn't as suspenseful as it could have been. The film touches on an important motivation of Tess' physician work, yet never returns to it. There just seemed like great potential for backstories, or learning more about the two main doctors in general.Anne Heche gives a solid performance as Dr. Tess Martin, but the rest of the cast is lacking of talent.Not great, but watchable....
When I saw this movie on Netflix, I decided to watch it just because it takes place in Spokane (close to where I grew up). With a pretty dismal rating, I wasn't expecting much going into it. However, I was pleasantly surprised.The production value, acting, filming, sound, etc. are all well done. Unlike many Netflix instant-play movies, it seemed this one was made by a competent production company that actually invested into the quality of the film.Although the story isn't anything extraordinary, and can be very slow at times, it can be credited with being somewhat original and provides a few fresh twists. If you aren't expecting a Hollywood blockbuster, and can manage to sit through a movie without A-list actors, you may actually find the 90 minutes of Toxic Skies enjoyable.The only thing I am really disappointed with is the location of Spokane plays no role besides the movie needing to take place somewhere. It is ironic the one thing that hooked me into watching the movie ended up being irrelevant.
The problem with the complaints about this movie is they are all centered on making fun of conspiracy theories which is exactly what the corporations want you to believe. This is brought out effectively in the movie but the reviewers who want more sex and violence are not mature enough for this subject. Corporations who are obliged and required by their bylaws to make money don't want to kill you but collateral damage is to be expected. Haven't we learned from BP oil spills, made up wars for oil and Halliburton and the billions of lobbyist money that goes to buy Congressmen, judges and Presidents that there is more to this than you think. "Cuting corners with people's lives, how could you let that happen?" "Unbelievable." It is not your government that you should fear, but the people who make fun of Government by saying things like the nine scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Those people are bought off by the corporations. The government IS here to help but when Corporations infiltrate the government and prop up actors and buffoons to make you think everything is a big conspiracy, what they mean is its all a joke, nothing to see here move along.This is a great movie and they do even have a little romance for those who can only handle sex and violence.
Okay movie about how chemtrails, the vapor trails left by planes, are spreading a deadly virus which makes almost everyone in Spokane sick. Anne Hesche plays a doctor who tries to sort out what is behind the disease and find out a way to stop it from killing everyone.Yet another government is bad movie is an okay thriller. The cast is fine, but its not really given much to do beyond the cliché. Its best not to really think about much of what happens since it doesn't completely make sense. Things are not helped by the feeling that this wasn't really made with any sort of passion, and while its competent its never compelling. I'd wait for cable.