If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bento de Espinosa
Tim Maia was one of the best singers from Brazil, but much more than that, he represented the Brazilian soul (literally). Apart from his unique voice, he had a difficult personality, was explosive, irreverent, but that actually made him very funny. He was loved also for the way he talked and his vivacious, contagious temperament, full of energy.Unfortunately, none of this is really shown in this movie with the needed intensity. It falls flat. No passion, no vibrancy.Acting is wooden and the jokes don't really work, probably because of the overall more or less depressing tone of the movie, which is worsened by its slow pace.It's a shame, since Tim Maia really deserved a classy movie with international quality, for an international audience, hence be shown in cinemas around the globe. The way it is made, it's more of a conventional, boring Globo TV soap opera.