Sick Product of a Sick System
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Raymond Sierra
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
...about being any good. Because "Thralls" does actually give a damn about being enjoyable and giving B-movie fanatics a fun time. Really, this might very well be the definition of modern day camp. A bunch of gorgeous, hot-looking half-vampire babes open up a nightclub in which unsuspecting, trouble-making ravers end-up as a midnight snack. The plan is to free themselves from slavery by vampire-lord Johnny (played by Lorenzo Lamas who strikes an intentional ridiculous note here) and hereby upgrade themselves from 'thralls' to full-blooded vampires. Johnny-boy has a plan for himself, though: summoning an evil demon to make himself an über-vampire. It's all good and enjoyable campy fun. The CGI demon-head near the end is so crappy that it doesn't even live up to Playstation 1 graphics. But that's all part of the game. And if you don't have any sense of humor at all, then don't even consider giving "Thralls" aka "Blood Angels" a watch.On a side-note: I always have to laugh with Lorenzo Lamas. Can't help it, when I hear his name pop up, because I've always considered him to be a not-so-very-good actor (and I'm being polite here). But in "Thralls" he's actually quite a bit of fun to watch. And to my surprise, he even managed to entertain me a second time very recently, when I popped in this Z-grade CGI-infested rubbish called "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" (proudly produced by The Asylum company). Good old Lorenzo really is a hoot and a whole barrel of fun in this one. Virtually all of his lines had me laughing out loud. And he seems very well aware of how to deliver his pun-filled nonsense. Seems like he does have some talent for something after all... Go, Lamas, go! A few more of these flicks, and you'll hit a strike! Anyway, I think I'm straying off topic here... But do support Lorenzo Lamas, and go watch "Shark Thralls vs. Blood Octopus" or... something... Which movie was I talking about again?
The film was done pretty good. The actresses are also fine-> young, beautiful and talented (I especially liked Fiona Scott).But the story did not impress me. I wasn't excited when I watched this movie, I was somehow looking forward to the end of it. I also felt a little bit sleepy while watching it. When I watch film, I have to understand everything in it-> why is everything just the way it is.. But in this story, things are just not clear enough. I never knew why something happened.. It is like a story for a 5 years old children. Some things just don't make any sense.That's why I give this film only 6/10.
"Blood Angels" is a much better film than it has every right to be.**SPOILERS**Leslie, (Leah Cairns) who has been away from town for a while, returns home and helps her sister Ashley, (Siri Baruc) get introduced to the rave nightlife she shares with her friends Lean, (Sonya Salomaa) Roxie, (Fiona Scott) Brigitte, (Moneca Delain) and Buzz, (Lisa Marie Caruk) who themselves are vampires and have escapes from the home of Mr. Jones, (Lorenzo Lamas) who turned them into vampires. Ashley soon finds out the truth, but no one will believe her. When Leslie officially tells her about her and her friends' change into a form of vampire called Thralls, she decides to help them in their fight against Jones.The Good News: This one actually isn't that bad. The film is just too cheesy to be taken seriously. The fact that five vampires can open a nightclub and not get caught is just one example, as is the fact that all the vampires know kung-fu once bitten. This just works in a "throw your brain at the door and relax" sort of manner. The film has a great sense of humor, and is surprisingly funny. The moments with a transvestite wanting to get into the club are some great one-liners, and some choice moments spread throughout contain some intended for laughs. There's three main comedians in the film, though, and generally get a laugh every time. Lorenzo Lamas' character in particular gets off some great lines, and is perfectly suited for the tone of the film. His assistant is also quite funny, especially what keeps happening to him. Lastly, one of the characters in the club continually gets out plenty of laughs. It's quite nice to see someone different keep the humor coming rather than just a main character. It's bloody when it needs to be, and gets the red stuff going at times. A highlight is a marvelous decapitation that isn't performed with a usual instrument, and comes off as totally unexpected.The Bad News: There's only a few problems I had with the film. The first one is that, as usual, the special effects look incredibly fake and cheesy. There's no way any of them could be taken seriously, and by being done with CGI, it ruins what it had before. It's a common problem with these kinds of movies, and hasn't really gotten any better. Also, the first hour of the film is pretty slow. There's a lot of moments where it's hard to tell why it was not included, as they don't make you feel anymore for the character than had it not been in there, and simply makes you want to get on with the main storyline. It plays pretty fast and loose with the vampire rules in here. Nothing too controversial, but the ranking and powers in it is tweaked slightly to allow for the ending. It can be something to get over. There's also some scattered moments in the film that doesn't seem to add up together, and it makes it hard to imagine why it would be so. If you can let yourself get into the film or don't let moments like this get you down, though, then those would be the only complaints.The Final Verdict: I wasn't expecting such a good time with this one, but it actually does manage to impress. It bends the rules, but has fun while doing it. At least worthy of a look-see for vampire fans or for anyone else into these kinds of films. Just don't think about them too hard.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity
One of the common complaints in this country is that we tend to make oblique films, weird films, deliberately shocking films and boring drawing room pieces. I have often felt that Canadians should make more accessible films in addition to our trademark films sensitively or insensitively tackling subjects about necrophilia, auto-erotica, sexual abuse, magical lesbians, suicidal gay males and the assorted, at times inexplicably disturbing subject matter of David Cronenberg. Unfortunately, when Canadians try to make films that reach a broader audience what we often get are films like "Men with Brooms" that try too hard to be an accessible, popular 'Canadian' film. We also get films like "Thralls" that try hard to be American, but fail horrifically. A film like "Thralls" always feels like a low grade Canadian film. Low grade American films feel different, less amateurish even. If you are tempted to watch this for some of the babes listed in the cast (like Leah Cairns, who I hope becomes part of the regular Battlestar Galactica cast as Racetrack)take a chance on something else they have been in, chances are it will be more worth your while.