Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Like a short story, a short film has a lot to do in a very little time. This leads to sometimes sharp turns that leave the viewer running to catch up. "13 or so" not only tells a beautiful tale, but skillfully gives you life stories of two men in less than 13 minutes.What really shines here is the acting. The facial expressions, emotions turning on a dime, dialogue that is more emotion than narrative, the hesitancy, the clear searching for words and meaning, makes the movie seem absolutely real. I have no idea how many takes these actors had to do to get this remarkable movie, but it was worth all of your work.Whether the theme appeals to you or not is not why you should watch this. You should watch it to see two absolutely remarkable and yes, "amazing" actors.Thank you all for a wonderful film.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Thirteen or So Minutes" is a 13-minute live action short film from almost 10 years ago and it deals with two guys discovering that their friendship is actually more than just friendship. It's a very dialogue-driven film, but sadly it never felt authentic and I never had the impression of watching two people come out to each other. instead, it felt very acted, very phony. It probably did not help that neither of the 2 actors gave off a gay vibe at all. Not a surprise for me to see that they have not had a big career in recent years at all. The writer and director is William Branden Blinn and this was one of his first films, so I can forgive him for not making a quality film here. i hoped he learned something during the years since this was made. At least, he is still shooting films these days. As for these 13.5 minutes, I do not recommend the watch. Pretty underwhelming overall. Thumbs down.
Jean-Michel Sivry
This amazingly beautiful movie offers to the viewer a frontal collision against the unknown; something, which should not have happened, has happened. Two men have listened to the call of beauty, the beauty of another person, the beauty of this other person's desire. As they comment, two men are discovering something in them. A new emotion... rejected or accepted, mistrusted or recognized. It demonstrates with mastery that a true humanitarian value is to keep open to one's own pulsation. That life is a synonym of chance, of lack of certitudes. To give attention to the possibility of discovering new feelings is a key to existence and probably a case against violence. Actors and the direction are all very gifted. There is also quite an effective hint of subdued eroticism. Should be compulsory duty for straight people to see it, and a reward, like a "bonbon", to the others. Héhé.
Two straight men have sex and talk about it after. One likes it better than the other and they both talk about their feelings to each other and try to convince the other that they're right.Not explicit--the sex is heard not seen and there is the briefest flash of male nudity. This is well-acted by the two leads and the script is just great. I'm gay but I've talked to straight men about gay sex and this is EXACTLY how they responded and acted. This couldn't have been easy to act out but the two men go at this full force and are incredible. It also has a very sweet ending. I was expecting a depressing ending but it didn't have that. Well worth seeing.