Good movie but grossly overrated
Admirable film.
Suman Roberson
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Jenni Devyn
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Great idea, poor execution.To begin with, the actress playing Kate Davis is so bad. Poor acting. Poor looks. Perhaps I should not be so harsh. But sorry not sorry. The woman looks ugly. And her acting is wooden and monotonous.How about the story? Well...The vampires went through all that trouble, just to convert the descendant of Bathory to their ways? For what purpose? Why do they need HER so badly? The backstory about the vampire society and their traditions remains to be told.Ugly actress. Poor storytelling that drags on and on. Dated graphics from 1979. Maybe a remake will realize the potential of the ideas such as "descendant" and "blood farm". But it's not a big deal if this piece of Aussie vampire crap is forgotten, collecting dust on a library shelf.
The descendant of Elizabeth Bathory is abducted by a cult of self-proclaimed supermen who achieve this state of superiority by drinking from the "blood cows" kept at the "dairy farm", and they try to get her to join them.This Ozploitation film has nice gore effects, plenty of blood, and a plot that can only be seen as a reversal of other Bathory tales, where now the usual monster is the persecuted one. We even get a sweet, pseudo-Catholic ceremony in Latin.The film did not do well at the local box office. Nevertheless, it was highly regarded by influential American film critic Leonard Maltin, who gave it three stars out of four. Although Maltin is often wrong, he might have been right this time -- this one went under the radar, but probably never should have.
The descendant of Elizabeth Bathory is abducted by a cult of self-proclaimed supermen who achieve this state of superiority by drinking from the "blood cows" kept at the "dairy farm", and they try to get her to join them. This Movie Is Nearly As Bad As 'Twilight'. No I Don't Think That Quite Covers It. I Am A HUGE Fan Of Vampire Movies So I Know What I'm Talking About When I Say "This Film Sucks" Now Let Me Go Down The Flaws. The Vampire That Suddenly Decided To Cut Back On Blood For Good (WHOAH!!!!!! Vampires Have No Soul So Why Cut Back) Gets Hit By Sunlight Numerous Times & It Has No Effect At All On Her. There Is A Granny Vampire (I Am Not Lying). The Acting Is Horrendously Awful. I Am Ashamed To Be Australian. I Mean Sure My Country Gets It Right Sometimes (Hercules Returns, The Crow, Dark City(Made By An Australian Filmmaker), Crocidile Dundee) But All The Others Is Crap After Crap. I Gave Up On 'Charlie & Boots', 'Muriels Wedding' Is A Shitstorm Filled With Overacting Pricks, e.t.c. I Am So Humiliated To Call Myself Australian. This Resembles Twilight As Being Untruthful To The Vampire Myths. I Have To Congratulate Rod Hardy For Pointing The Camera In The Right Direction. I Know It Was His First Movie But That Is Also No Excuse To Make This Sh!t. Also Their "Blood Farm" Sells Blood In Milk Cartons. THEY SELL BLOOD IN MILK CARTONS. Are You Kidding Me. When They Drink Blood The Music Is Heavenly. I'm Not A Specialist In Biology But Blood Helps You Live So To Take It All Out Is A Bad Thing. Correct Me If I'm Wrong. Thought I Wasn't Wrong. If This Guy Directed An Episode Of Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse' Then I Might Have Second Thoughts About Seeing It.
Although clearly not a top-draw production being hampered by some less than crisp plotting, low budget and a cast tending to the wooden, Thirst nonetheless manages, after a slow uncertain first third to develop into a quiet enjoyable light horror drama.The production is at its peak when it veers closest to "traditional" Gothic territory - indeed the sequence in Kate Davis' home where she progresses through a spiraling sensory nightmare is almost worthy of Mario Bava - lead actress Chantal Contouri even shares a passing resemblance to Bavas female lead Barbera Steele as she becomes overwhelmed by visions.One thing that struck me was that for a film made in sunny new world of Australia much of the production had the feeling of the Old World with mock tudor buildings, rough hewn stone and brickwork and lead decorated windows. I can only surmise this was a deliberate ploy as its harder to invoke atmospheric horror in a world of concrete, glass and wood panelling.