Things Happen at Night

4.6| 1h19m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 03 November 1948 Released
Producted By: Tudor-Alliance
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A young girl finds herself possessed by the spirit of a mischievous demon.


Horror, Comedy

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Francis Searle

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Things Happen at Night Audience Reviews

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Rainey Dawn Much better than I anticipated - this one is rather cute. Living in a house that's haunted and the ghost possesses the young girl's mind. All she has to do is to think about him and he does things to haunt the girl's family.This one is very British, a haunted house and a possessed girl, so you will already know or have a general idea of the type of humor you will see in this film. I love the British humor and comedy horror film so this movie is right up my alleyway.Don't expect this to be perfect - it's simply a B film done all in fun and it is a fun watch if you enjoy British humor and comedy horror films.Just one question: Why did they add this film to the Dark Crimes 50-Films Pack? LOL I'm glad to have it but it really does not belong in this pack. 8/10
mark.waltz This farce with demonic elements is extremely silly in structure but sort of disturbing in nature. It's not a wretched attempt at supernatural comedy, but when viewed along side with "The Exorcist", you wonder what was in the writer's mind when they put this on paper. It takes place among the British upper-crust and insinuates that the demon is some sort of mystical playmate for the young girl who lives there. The spirit is more pranksterish than frightening, although I'd be pretty scared of I saw a wine bottle move across a table without aide. Plants sprout and disappear back into the dirt again, and a ghastly laugh has a ring of sinister intentions to it. Cheaply made, this features a cast of unknowns, with only Gordon Harker familiar to me. So with Topper, Mrs. Unit's ghost, am invisible man and woman, and several other light-hearted spirits of the dead, this one remains as perhaps the most obscure, and definitely one of the wildest. It's just too bad that it focuses more on slapstick than story, because ultimately it is just a one-joke mess that never fully succeeds.
Spikeopath Things Happen At Night is directed by Francis Searle and adapted to screenplay by St. John Leigh Clowes from Frank Harvey's play The Poltergeist. It stars Gordon Harker, Alfred Drayton, Robertson Hare, Gwneth Vaughan, Olga Lindo, Wylie Watson and Gary Marsh. It's an Alliance Film Studio Production out of Twickenham and Southall Studios, with music by George Melachrino and cinematography by Leslie Rowson.To be honest, it feels a lot earlier than 1947, 37 would probably sit right. It's one of those farce horror films that come off as an excuse for some tom foolery perpetrated by a bunch of actors enjoying themselves. The plot basically revolves around the strange goings on at Hilton Grange, where a number of characters gather, there's some guff about milk, an insurance investigation and an engagement. Poltergeist activity is rife, with coal and apples flung about the place, chest of drawers moved, vases hovering above heads and so on. Characters react in different ways, as you would expect, and as the mystery to the haunting draws ever closer, the makers ramp up the speed to deliver the coup de grace. It's all very harmless and wonderfully gay, if a touch irritating as well! 5/10
Hitchcoc My father hated "English" films. This may have been what he was talking about. Starting with a silly premise, having a bunch of hangdog British comedians react to it, over, and over, and over, and you have this dullard. The plot involves a house that is being haunted by a poltergeist. Chunks of hot coal burn holes in things, pots smash to the ground, things tip over or move, the usual. Enter an insurance agent and an expert on paranormal events. Sound like fun? Unfortunately, it's neither exciting or funny; it just becomes endless. The conclusion is grossly unsatisfying and the reason the poltergeist is in the house is never dealt with. The master of the house a silly, ineffectual man. The daughter, who becomes possessed, is equally dull. The wife is beside herself. Don't bother with this one.