They Found Hell

4.2| 1h30m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 17 October 2015 Released
Producted By: CineTel Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a group of gifted college students run a secret teleportation experiment, they accidentally open a portal to another dimension, trapping them in Hell. One by one they are hunted, tortured and killed by the denizens of Hell who are bent on stealing their souls.

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Nick Lyon

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CineTel Films


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They Found Hell Audience Reviews

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
gwnightscream This 2015 horror film features a group of college teens who mess with a scientific device that opens a portal leading to a hellish dimension. One by one, they're haunted and slaughtered by the ghoulish/demonic inhabitants craving their souls and try to survive. This is a weird and creepy flick with some cheesy and gruesome effects. It probably should've been called, "Hello" because the cast yells it at least 20 times. I'd give this a view at least once if you're into horror, fantasy or b-movies.
Wuchak Released to TV for Halloween, 2015, and directed by Nick Lyon, the unimaginatively titled "They Found Hell" concerns several American college students who inadvertently open up a portal to the underworld and find themselves trapped in the damnable dimension, desperately trying to find a way out.This TV-horror flick has several things in its favor, such as a grave ambiance, well-done infernal sets and a decent cast of no-names who take the material seriously, including three quality females (Mirela Burke, Katy Reece & Kabby Borders). Unfortunately, the hottest one buys the farm prematurely, which I predicted in the first few minutes.Another problem is that the movie is decidedly one-note from beginning to end. In the first 10 minutes the youths are thrust into the netherworld and the entire story consists of them seeking escape. Thankfully, there are a few creative elements, like Charon and the River Styx, but that doesn't make up for the one-dimensional nature of the proceedings.Instead of establishing the characters and building suspense, the movie opts for horror right out of the gate, which continues to the climax. This is reminiscent of 2005's "Death Tunnel," but that pic worked (at least in my opinion) because it combined the one-note approach with mesmerizing visual style and kinetic editing work (which, to be fair, some people found needlessly confusing). "They Found Hell" is pedestrian by comparison.There are also similarities to 2008's "Flu Bird Horror," but it lacks that movie's compelling story and fascinating subtext (I'm not kidding, see my review for details). Still, there's enough good here to give it a watch if you can handle Grade B horror flicks. Best of all, it has Mirela Burke for about 35 minutes and you can't beat what the costuming department dreamed up for her.The film runs 87 minutes and was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria. The screenplay was written by Neil Elman & Nicole Jones-Dion.GRADE: C+
Phil Tennant Considering this is a SyFy channel movie, I wasn't expecting a great deal. Not to say they haven't made good movies in the past, but within the constraints of made for TV movies. However I was very pleasantly surprised. Basically in the first 10 minutes you find out a group of students have been experimenting with teleportation, and after something goes wrong, they are sent to what is possibly either an alternate dimension, or hell, or both! It is somewhat of a Sci-Fi/Horror crossover (although the only real Sci-Fi component is the teleportation) that doesn't take itself too seriously, and is all the more enjoyable for that. Imagine Supernatural meets Grimm if it was written by Clive Barker (Hellraiser). There are some quite gruesome (for TV) scenes, although the special effects budget doesn't always do them justice. The scenery and settings were atmospheric suitably hellish, and the action doesn't let up throughout. In all this was a thoroughly enjoyable experience!
jlthornb51 Visionary director Nick Lyon creates one of the most satisfying science fiction films of the last year with this low-budget masterpiece. With an intelligent script and excellent production values, Lyon manages to start building the suspense and thrills from virtually the opening sequence. As a group of young, adventurous students open a dimension unknown, they are confronted with a horror that may well be Hell and must fight for their very lives as well as a way out. The challenges that face them are as immense as they are terrifying and the creatures they are met by are some of the most horrible ever filmed. Spectacular make-up makes for some deeply disturbing imagery, with the denizens of this hellish landscape truly beyond any imagination. The characters are almost immediately put in this situation and their is little time for character development. But director Lyon, working with a cast of some very exciting young actors, allows the skills of his stars to work some real magic and before long, these are people the audience has come to care about very much. Kabby Borders as Ava is stunning and Hunter Canedy in the role of Ward is particularly good, bringing depth and substance to their characters. The rest of the cast is equally extraordinary and one of the pleasures of this film are the breathtaking characterizations and strong acting. These are actors we are sure to see much more of in the near future. With a script that transcends clichés and gives the audience something important to consider, this is science fiction that's a cut above the usual SyFy production. A pleasant surprise indeed for the discriminating viewer and a film that may haunt you with its power for some time to come!