Too much of everything
One of my all time favorites.
Calum Hutton
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
This movie is a real oddity! It's original but please don't mistake it for a good movie as well.I like '70's exploitation movies but you can't really call this movie a typical exploitation flick at all. Even though it basically features all of the ingredients of an exploitation flick in it, it has a totally different style, which makes this movie less of an exploitation flick and more of an oddity to watch.The movie has some real serious pacing issues. It's far too long and scenes are often needlessly stretched out. It's not like it makes the movie boring but it does make it a very little exciting or involving one. I do admit though that it slows pace works out well for some of the sequences, that have some form of tension in them. But really, that's about the only thing this movie did right, in my opinion.I seriously do believe that this movie could had been a decent one, had it been done in a more traditional way. It had a pretty good concept and some good ideas and characters in it. Besides, Millie Perkins played a pretty deranged character, that at the same time was also still being likable enough to care for.And no, the movie is really not all that graphic too watch. It actually is being more graphic with its nudity and with some sexual implications, that also involve incest, which really is the foremost reason why this movie is still somewhat notorious for and also the reason why it became one of the video nasty's, that were banned in the UK, for a long time.It's odd and original but I wish that I could also say it was good and recommendable.4/10
Witch Who Came from the Sea, The (1976) ** (out of 4) The Witch Who Came From the Sea isn't a seaside horror film like the title would suggest but another film in the long line of rape/revenge thrillers that was released throughout the 1970s. Unlike most of these low budget efforts, this film featured a somewhat respectable actress in Millie Perkins who received an Academy Award nomination for her role in The Diary of Anne Frank. The screenplay was written by Robert Thom who was making waves with Death Race 2000 and Wild in the Streets. Also of interest is that John Carpenter's future cinematograher, Dean Cundey go his start right here with this film, which is finally being released uncut and widescreen after years of P&S releases.Molly (Millie Perkins) is a troubled young woman who spends most of her time taking walks on the beach with her two young nephews. Molly was sexually abused by her sea captain father when she was young but she continues to talk highly of him. He was lost at sea but she tells stories of the day he will return and take her out to sea where she can be with mermaids and other creatures of the sea. Molly works in a bar where she meets various men including idols such as actors and football players. Soon, these men are found dead with their bodies mutilated. Is this a strange fantasy from Molly's abused mind or is she actually the one doing the killings? The Witch Who Came From the Sea has a rather strong cult following and a nice reputation but it's a film not too many people have seen. In fact, after viewing the film I'm sure the majority of the film's notoriety comes from the strange title rather than what the film offers. This is a cheaply made exploitation film that really doesn't set itself apart from any of film of its type and I was rather shocked to see that the film was threatened with an "X" rating because not even the violence is very strong.The biggest problem with the film is its screenplay, which tries to do something poetic but falls flat on its face in nearly every scene. For some strange reason, this exploitation film tries to take itself way too serious and appear to actually try and address incest and sexual abuse but the screenplay never captures any spirit or truthfulness that will make the viewer feel for Molly. The character is written as a weirdo and not once do we actually feel sorry for her or actually care about what she's doing.The story is also poorly constructed and never really makes sense, especially all the stuff dealing with the father returning from the sea. We are told many different things but the screenplay never backs anything up. We are given various insights to Molly yet once again, the screenplay never answers anything and in fact, we never even learn why Molly is killing all of these men to begin with. The film moves at a snails pace and never really gains any interests, although I'm sure most viewers will hang in there until the end. Why? Because this is the type of movie that you'll watch and wait for something to happen only to be letdown when nothing actually happens.With the story completely out the window you'd expect the film to deliver in the violence/gore section but again, the film even fails on that level. Again, I have a hard time believing this film would be threatened with an "X" rating, although the director constantly states this in the commentary. Perhaps this is just hype built around a film that not too many have actually seen. The violence for the most part is handled off screen, although it's quite clear that the woman is mutilating men's private parts. This here was handled much better in Last House on the Left and I Spit On Your Grave and those two films handle the shock value a lot better.In the end I couldn't help but be really letdown by this film. I'm sure some might like it's dreamlike qualities but to me, the film doesn't offer anything that other exploitation films offers better. The movie tries to be something more dramatic and serious but in the end The Witch Who Came From the Sea is an exploitation film that forgot to be exploitive.
Molly (Millie Perkins) was sexually abused by her father when she was young. She grows up to be an alcoholic waitress who lives on welfare with her sister and nephews. She keeps telling the nephews fantasies about her father being a sea captain. She also has fantasies about meeting hunky men, tying them up and castrating them--or are they just fantasies? This is a strange one. Very bizarre and surreal. Also very disturbing to watch. The castrations are shown (just the guys screaming and blood splattering--but that's enough) and the scenes of childhood sexual abuse are explicit--WAY too explicit. It's shown and it's more than a little sick. It's incredibly disturbing and I think way too strong for even an exploitation film. This film almost got an X rating for the imagery alone. The DVD version is uncut--so we see it all.The acting is excellent--Perkins especially in a hard role. The widescreen imagery is beautiful in complete contrast to the story and it has an excellent screenplay. But the film just goes too far for me. There's a good reason why this film is still forgotten--it's way too strong for the average movie goer. I'm giving it an 8 because it IS an excellent psychological thriller but it just goes too far. Proceed at your own risk.
In what was a very daring departure from her previous (and subsequent) roles, former 'Anne Frank' Perkins plays a troubled, sexually-conflicted young lady who dotes on her pre-teen nephews while harboring a violent grudge against men who represent heroism, yet fall short in her eyes. Working in a seaside tavern and living with her overweight seamstress sister Brown, she enjoys a reasonably healthy sexual relationship with her employer Chapman, but perhaps that is due to his lack of aspirations to be anything other than a low-key bar owner. Others, such as football players Rutherford and Sims, Hollywood actor Jason and shaving ad model Morgan haven't got it as lucky as they incur the wrath of Perkins during their encounters with her, emerging with varying degrees of damage from sprained wrists to castration! The root of Perkins' deadly problem is detailed in flashbacks to her childhood and her relationship with her father. Eventually, Chapman and fellow cocktail waitress Feury are left to figure out how best to handle Perkins before she can continue down her bloody path. The film, little known in most circles, has won a cult following, due in some part to having been tagged in the UK as a 'video nasty'. It does include some material that was quite shocking for 1971 (the film wasn't released until 5 years later), but is less so now, in the era of "Saw"and "Hostel" and films that vividly explore sexual abuse. Perkins has more topless scenes in the film than a person would care to count and she dives into her role with complete commitment. She does a good job, but the script leaves her little room for variety or change in her character. Chapman has a role that is also quite outside his typical range, as he rarely played sexually active characters or love interests. He rises to the occasion nicely as well. Brown, a former child star, does as much with her small part as she can. This was her last film. Feury, a much-lauded acting teacher, spouts some saucy dialogue before settling in as Perkins' caring companion. Jason is appropriately slick and confident as a hotshot actor. In his final jaw-dropping scene, he sits in a pool, naked, with a pretty clear view of his modest manhood on display for an extended period of time. Morgan is handsome in that vintage 1970's male model way. He does a nice job with his role. Kennedy and Flower play two low-key detectives on the case. Flower's real life daughter plays Perkins as a young girl and it does cause a bit of confusion that she actually resembles Brown more heavily, including the eye color! It's a film that won't please everyone because it's a bit too obtuse and cerebral at times while also being rather trashy and unintentionally ridiculous at other times (Collins, as Morgan's girlfriend, brandishing a gun and some bodybuilders with padded Speedos come to mind.) For the curious or for fans of Perkins, it certainly isn't too trying an experience at 83 minutes. Semi-porno director Cimber and the rest of the cast and crew are more proud of the film than may be warranted, but there is a lot worse out there.