I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
A brilliant film that helped define a genre
All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
Unearthly, The (1957) *** (out of 4)This 'Z' grade film to me is one of the best examples of something being so bad it's good. A mad doctor (John Carradine), with the help of his assistant Lobo (Tor Johnson) is using people from his psychiatric institute as subjects in hopes that he can find eternal life by putting glands in their heads. This film is about as crazy as any film can get and I mean that in a good way because this is one of the most entertaining bad films ever made. It might even be unfair for me to call this bad because, unlike a lot of these Z movies, this one here goes out of its way to try and be entertaining and come up with a real story. The so-called real story they come up with here is way out of left field but it's still a lot of fun. Carradine and Johnson as the bad guys just adds more enjoyment as the two men eat up each scene as if they haven't eaten anything in years. That wonderful glee in Carradine's eyes really shines and it makes you forget that this guy has been in some of the most loved classics in the history of cinema. The brute Johnson moves slowly and talks badly but this just adds to his charm. Myron Healey and Allison Hayes play the good guys with cult figure Sally Todd playing another one of the patients. Arthur Batanides plays a hot head patient and in interviews he said he was drunk throughout the making of the film and this isn't hard to believe. He makes his character very memorable and he's a joy to watch throughout the thing. The make up effects are all very well done, which again, isn't too normal for this type of film. The ending, clearly influenced by H.G. Wells, is a classic with a closing line that is hilarious.
This movie only gets this score from me because of its ending. The whole film is dull and poorly shot, but the twist ending (which I won't reveal) is rather startling and would have been brilliant in a better movie. Unfortunately this is not a better movie. I would like to attribute this ending to the immortal Edward D. Wood Jr. but we can only thank him for the characters and the appearance of token Wood actor, Tor Johnson, who seems to be going for that Don Johnson look. Even as a Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie, The Unearthly is barely watchable. Even the 'bots could hardly joke and save this poor piece of film with an ending deserving of a different movie."Privilege has its own odor."
This movie created a live MST3K moment during it's World Premiere run.The World Priemere was at the Roosevelt theater in Chicago. The top billed film was "Beginning of the End" (Yes, the one about the giant grasshoppers invading Chicago.) That this film got second billing should tell you something about this flick.If you've not read other reviews, John Carradine has created a synthetic gland that he thinks will give eternal youth. About halfway through the picture, he implants his eternal youth gland (Which looks suspiciously like a pulsating jalapeño pepper.) into Sally Todd and moves her to his moldy basement to recover.When they check on her later, instead of remaining eternally young, she's all wrinkled and shriveled up and looks about a hundred years old.At this point, someone waaaaay at the back of the balcony yelled out, "YA GOT IT IN UPSIDE DOWN!!!" It must have been at least five minutes before the laughter subsided and you could hear the movie again.
(There are Spoilers) John Carradine in one of his many mad scientist roles as the crazed Dr. Charles Conway who's obsessed with finding the elusive secret of the legendary Fountain of Youth. Getting people to be patients at his secret medical clinic deep in the woods and miles from civilization Dr. Conway plans to experiment with them to make his subjects perpetually young like the portrait of Doren Gray. In the end he turns them into horrible and deformed mutants cursed to live forever in a cloistered sanitarium, like leapers. Never to see the light of day because of their shocking deformities that he inflicted on them .One evening an escaped convict Mark Huston, Myron Healey, is caught snooping around Dr. Conway's residence by his hulking and trusted servant Lobo, Tor Johnson. Dr. Conway sees the perfect specimen for his youth experiments with Huston in no position to run and go to the police for help since he himself is wanted for murder.Dr. Conway also has a number of other people at his place one of them Harry Jedrow, Harry Fleer, who's suffering from what the good doctor did to him by being in a totally comatose state. It's Jedrow who in the end spells the doom of Dr. Conway and his insane experiments by having his sister, whom he wasn't supposed to have, insist on having him released. This lead Dr. Conway to get Lobo to bury the poor man alive who was later rescued by Huston when Lobo took a lunch break, the big guy gotta eat, from shoveling dirt over Jedrow's coffin.Making a play for one of his patient's the beautiful Grace Thomas, Allison Hayes, has Dr. Conway's assistant the former 1946 Miss America Marilyn Buferd playing Dr. Sharon Gilchrist mad as hell and not about to take Dr. Conway's two-timing her anymore insisting that he use Miss. Thomas in his next experiment. Hoping that it will be as unsuccessful as the one he just had with Natalie Anders, Sally Todd a former Playboy Centerfold, who's face ended up looking like an over-baked pizza with extra cheese.As usual Dr. Conway's plan to bring eternal youth into the world is doomed to failure since the magical 17th gland, that looks like a pickled jalapeño pepper, that's supposed to bring on the miracle of eternal youth only makes his subjects freeze in time looking like a cross between the Munchkins in the Wizard of Oz and Lon Cheney Jr in his role as the hairy Wolf Man.With Huston now throwing off his cover and revealing himself to be police Let., not wanted escaped murderer, Mark Huston everything starts to unravel for Dr. Conway. Huston and fellow patient Danny Green, Authur Batanides, overpower the brutish Lobo with Danny losing his life in the process and the zombie-like Jedrow coming back from the grave to pay Dr. Conway back, in spades, for everything he did to him over the years.Average 1950's horror movie with the so-called brilliant Dr. Conway flopping in every one of his experiments that had you, and the movie audience, wonder what was so brilliant about the crazy and arrogant kook in the first place. Tor Johnson's Lobo for once does have a few lines of dialog, which is very rare for him, notably the movies most quoted and remembered saying "Time Fahh Go Ta Bed".