Better Late Then Never
Absolutely Fantastic
Adeel Hail
Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
I really liked this. It was really nice to see so refreshingly different. I thought it was interesting to explore how such a 'tribe' such as that featured in the film might survive in todays world and how they would work to stand together and overcome intolerance and fear of others who refuse to understand or live and let live. Also good to see such great British actresses as Laura Fraser and Anna Friel on our screens.
Colin Roth
Intelligent and thoughtful, this tv play tackles the difficult and complex problems raised by religious and other cults, the way they isolate their members from the outside world and build barriers around themselves to prevent intrusions. It's subtle, especially in comparison with a recent film with Kate Winslett on the same subject, perhaps too subtle in its ironic substitution of material goods for spiritual: this cult is capitalist, selling electrical goods rather than religious dogma. But although the comments here already show that this is a provocative and controversial film, I wanted to record my own positive reaction to it: I found it valuable and challenging - and it's not only the lovely Anna Friel who disrobes; there's an early sighting of all of the increasingly splendid Jonathan Rhys-Myers to enjoy. If you can get sight of it, I think this is worth viewing.
Normally I'd regard the critical mindset that a film is crap, but at least actress XYZ gets naked in it, as prehistoric, sexist bilge. But, for this one, I'll make an exception. Talented people (Eve, Costigan, Richardson) ambling about like zombies for two wasted hours. The BBC sat on this for about two years, then marketed it in a cold, calculating manner with tantalizing shots of Ms Friel about to disrobe. And disrobe she does. Pert, firm, frisky, if a little skinny for my tastes. Sorry, but if the script and/or direction was any better, we might not have had to go down this alley... Was Jeremy Northam actually PAID for his performance?
I'm slightly more in favour of summing this film up as stylish art than I am of condemning it as pretentious crap. There is some good camera work, good editing, and occasionally an evocative mood. There are some good performances, but film does have its limitations - it's a TV movie, but a good one.If the central theme of the film is the tension surrounding those who dare to be different and their rejection by society then it is hardly surprising that by siding with them the film attracts negative comments. Or it may be that it is just crap. Except the BBC don't make crap films. We may not like what they do, but the production quality, scripts, etc. are always excellent.So I'll come out in favour. It may not be high art, but at least it's got style and something to say.