The Toxic Avenger

1985 "The first superhuman-hero...from New Jersey!"
6.2| 1h22m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 November 1985 Released
Producted By: Troma Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Tromaville has a monstrous new hero. The Toxic Avenger is born when mop boy Melvin Junko falls into a vat of toxic waste. Now evildoers will have a lot to lose.

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Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman

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Troma Entertainment


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The Toxic Avenger Audience Reviews

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Leofwine_draca This is probably about the most famous and best known title that Troma studios have released. It's an uneven black comedy, with a high gore quotient and lots of lame jokes and laugh scenes. However it's still highly entertaining if you're in the right silly mood, and the title and reputation alone make it a must see if you're a fan at all of exploitation cinema.The cast is full of nobodies, actors who look like they've been picked off the street, and fill every clichéd role in the book as they madly mug at the camera. To be fair, most of the actors don't take themselves too seriously and a few of them are hilariously over the top. The laughs range from the quite clever to the downright stupid, with the mickey being taken out of the overweight, the blind, just about anyone you can think of really. Therefore the film isn't for those who get easily offended.The story about a nerd who turns superhero is infamous and clichéd by now, but it was still quite fresh here and therefore it's quite enjoyable. Some sequences are highly reminiscent of Frankenstein, especially with the blind girl, although not as highbrow. Basically the plot is an excuse for a series of violent fight scenes, where the Avenger murders the baddies in various graphic ways, including ripping the entrails out of them, frying them in a deep pan fryer, burning them in a microwave and even drilling them. These fight scenes are all quite enjoyable and fun to watch.There is plenty of the above mentioned gore to enjoy and lots of topless girls to add to the exploitation feel, as well as some out of place classic horror movie music. This just adds to the feel of the film, which is a totally crazy and insane one. The special effects aren't bad for Toxie; although pretty rubbery, they are good value for money.The most interesting thing about this film is how much was achieved with so little a budget, all you need is a little imagination, and this film succeeds with that. With lots of sequels and even a cartoon following, this uneven but likable comedy is probably worth a watch.
bigdoublej74 Troma movies are what got me into acting. Horrible video quality, terrible sound, awful actors and visual effects that are made in a basement....and its an amazing movie.A nerd turned superhero that has no limits. If you want to see a mutated superhero kill hundreds of bad guys and still hook up with the hot blonde in a red dress with red shoes this is your movie.Toxie delivers in every way possible. Ypu feel sorry for him, you cheer him on to kill more and more and you fall in love with the ridiculous and eccentric villains from the heath club, yes the Tromaville health club, Toxies true origin!Considered by many the greatest Tromaa movie of all time, I cannot recommend The Toxic Avenger enough! It really is one of my favorite movies.
relars1 An absolutely pathetic young man is transformed into the Toxic Avenger, after falling into a vat of toxic waste. He becomes a highly Mutant Superhero, avenging the victims of bullies, wherever he can find them.Some of the Avenger's antics are Psychopathic...the violence and brutality is stunning, while at the same time comical. For comparison, think: "Return Of The Living Dead". Some of the settings include toxic waste dumps - horrible pollution, under a New Jersey skyline - which I found hilarious, having lived in that area in the 1960s and early 70s (and, the pollution back then WAS incredible). The Avenger has a romantic interest - a very shapely young blind woman, providing some comic relief. I don't care what anyone else says, about the high level of "Cheesiness" of this movie....I think it is an absolute Riot. Obviously, it's not a movie to be taken seriously.
blazer942 The Toxic Avenger is a classic B movie about a nerdy mop boy who is turned into a meathead by way of nuclear waste. It sounds over the top, which is a fair assumption. The violence is gory, brutal, and at times, despite its sometimes cartoonish nature, unsettling. That being said, I can't help but call this a grindhouse film because of that. It's a wacky, unorthodox premise that is carried out in an equally wacky way.One particular scene that was great, albeit disturbing, was the infamous "head-crushing" scene, which was cut from the original release. Just the couple of minutes before the crush is enough to make you squirm (and some may notice the throwback to Death Race 2000, another fine B movie), but the actual crush is nothing short of brutal, even by today's standards.This outlandish film is a hidden gem, a true grindhouse classic. If you can stomach the violence, it's definitely worth seeing. It has great humor, decent acting, and some of the most memorable violent scenes in cinema.