The Three Little Pigs

6.4| 0h50m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1998 Released
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Once upon a time three pigs named Jorge, Marcos and Joseph lived happily with her mother until one day Mr. Brown Bear them out of their homes because they could not pay the rent. Her mother instructed them each to build a house where they could meet again the whole family. They would not be alone in their task, bad wolf and his sidekick, a nasty weasel, lurked the three little pigs doing their best to annoy their plans. Mark built a simple house of straw, but the wolf knocked with his puffs. Joseph built his house with sticks, but also finished on the ground after a new attack of the wolf. While George works ...


Animation, Family

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Roddy Lee, Roz Phillips

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The Three Little Pigs Audience Reviews

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bergandersrene Noticed that my previous review had a lot of grammar errors, so I decide to write a new one with better spelling.It was an OK movie in my opinion, it sure had a unique version of the story about The Three Little Pigs.Also, I think this should be added on "Plot Summary": "In a house lives three little pigs, George, Marco, and Joe. When their mother tasks them to buy supplies at the market, George and Marco split up in search of the items to buy, leaving Joe to take care of the money. Unknown to them, the Big Bad Wolf and his partner Frank the Weasel, have been watching and listening. The wolf tricks Joe into buying a fake elixir for his mother. On their way back home, the owner of the land Mr. Grizzlybear enters the house and takes the elixir Joe bought from the Big Bad Wolf as payment for the rent they owe him until tomorrow.Seeing no choice, the pigs decide to move out and George, Marco, and Joe are tasked by their mother to find a place to build their new home while she is away. During their search, the Big Bad Wolf, disguised as Edward the Fox, tricks the pigs into buying some land, which really belongs to Mr. Grizzlybear. George, Marco, and Joe splits up to gather materials for each of them to build their new house.Marco decides to build the house of straw and while building the straw house, Marco and the two locusts he befriended are watched by the Big Bad Wolf and Frank, with the wolf stating how easily the house will break down, though Frank is unsure. Wanting to prove his point, the wolf walks towards Marco and the locusts, scaring them into the straw house. The wolf asks to be let into the house, but Marco refuses. The wolf takes a deep breath and exhales as his chest inflates, causing his face to turn blue and eyes red, tearing his jacket in the process, and blows down the straw house. As the wolf prepares to eat Marco, he escapes.Later, when Joe starts to build the stick house, assisted by the beaver children, the Big Bad Wolf and Frank watches them in a bush. Frank asks the wolf if he is going to blow down the stick house, to which the wolf says he will after the house is finished. Upon finishing the house, Joe is approached by Marco who attempts to warn him, but they are confronted by the wolf and enters the stick house.Refused to be let in again, the wolf huffs and exhales deeply, causing his stomach to inflate, with his face briefly turning blue, and blows down the stick house. With the house destroyed, Joe and Marco escapes, much to the wolf's dismay. Frank compliments him for blowing down the house and the wolf agrees. The wolf tells Frank that all of the huffing and puffing makes him hungry, and expresses his desire to eat the pigs.Once George is finished building the stone house, George is approached by Marco and Joe who tells him about the Big Bad Wolf. In a tree, the wolf and Frank are watching the stone house, to which the wolf is unimpressed, unlike Frank. The wolf ask Frank if he is ready to eat the pigs, to which Frank, in excitement, accidentally causes the branch they are standing on to break, much to the wolf's anger.After Marco and Joe explains to George what had happened, the wolf chases them as he attempts to eat the pigs and knocks his head on the door just as they enter the stone house. Refused to be let in once more, the wolf stand before the house and prepares to blow it down like he had done previously with Frank standing next to him.Taking a deep breath, the wolf exhales and inflates himself, causing him to grow into a huge size. Seeing his boss growth in size, Frank hides behind a rock in fear and watches as the wolf attempts to blow down the stone house. As the air is clearing, the house is still standing, much to the de-inflated wolf's surprise. Taking his head out of the rock, Frank suggests him to try again and the wolf, while still tired from his last attempt, agrees.More determined than ever to blow down the house, the wolf exhales deeply as his stomach inflates. Frank gives him a thumps up and encourages the wolf to continue before going back to hide behind the rock, which the wolf returns. The wolf then keeps exhaling, turning his eyes red, and inflates himself into gigantic size and starts floating like a balloon as he blows at the stone house. However, the house is still standing and the de-inflated wolf passes out, much to the pigs' delight.Frank helps the wolf getting up and, while exhausted after failing to blow the house down again, the wolf tells Frank that he will go down the chimney as he can't blow down the house and to help him climb onto the roof. At the roof, the wolf complains about not having thought of entering the house through the chimney before, stating its easier than all of the huffing and puffing. Upon entering the chimney, the pigs traps them into the pot and hands them over to Mr. Grizzlybear, who is looking for the ones that created the elixir that made him ill, in exchange for the land where the stone house is build.As punishment for their crimes, the Big Bad Wolf and Frank are forced by Mr. Grizzlybear to build a stone house for him and the pigs lives happily at their new home together with all of their friends."
andersreneberghenriquez It was an OK movie in my opinion, it sure had a unique version of the story about The Three Little Pigs.Also, I think this should be added on "Plot Summary": "In a house lives three little pigs, George, Marco, and Joe. When their mother tasks them to buy supplies at the market, George and Marco split up in search of the items to buy, leaving Joe to take care of the money. Unknown to them, the Big Bad Wolf and his partner Frank the Weasel, have been watching and listening. The wolf tricks Joe into buying a fake elixir for his mother, leaving the pigs without any money left.On their way back home, the owner of the land Mr. Grizzlybear enters the house and demands the pigs to pay him the rent they owes him, but their mother has not enough money left and Mr. Grizzlybear takes the elixir Joe bought from the Big Bad Wolf as payment for the rent they owe him, but tells the pigs to pay him the rent for the next mounth tomorrow.Seeing no choice, the pigs decide to move out and George, Marco, and Joe are tasked by their mother to find a place to build their new home while she is away. While sleeping during their search, the Big Bad Wolf and Frank discovers them and the wolf, disguised as Edward the Fox, tricks the pigs into buying some land, which really belongs to Mr. Grizzlybear. George, Marco, and Joe splits up to gather materials for each of them to build their new house on the land.Impressed with the house of a goat farmer, Marco decides to build the house of straw and makes a deal with him to deliver some straw to a rabbit in exchange for carrots to the goat. As he gathers straw for his house, Marco befriends two locusts who helps him.While building the straw house, they are watched by the Big Bad Wolf and Frank, with the wolf stating how easily the house will break down, though Frank is unsure. Wanting to prove his point, the wolf walks towards Marco and the locusts, scaring them into the straw house. The wolf asks to be let into the house, but Marco refuses. The wolf takes a deep breath and exhales as his chest inflates, causing his face to turn blue and eyes red, and blows down the straw house. As the wolf prepares to eat Marco, he escapes.As Joe is thinking about what to use to build the house, he is convinced by a beaver family to use sticks and gathers berries to them in exchange for some, with the help of a friendly bird and some butterflies. When Joe starts to build the stick house, he is assisted by the beaver children. Behind a bush, the Big Bad Wolf and Frank watches them and Frank asks the wolf if he is going to blow down the stick house, to which the wolf says he will after the house is finished.Upon finishing the house, Joe is approached by Marco who attempts to warn him, but they are confronted by the wolf and enters the stick house.Refused to be let in again, the wolf huffs and exhales as his stomach inflates, with his face briefly turnng blue, and blows down the stick house. With the house destroyed, Joe and Marco escapes, much to the wolf's dismay. Frank compliments him for blowing down the house and the wolf states he is hungry due to all the huffing and puffing, and expresses his desire to eat the pigs.While thinking of what to build the house with, George encounters a mole and some snails and helps them moving the stones from his potato farm. After seeking refuge in the stones during a storm, George decides to build his house of stones and the Mole and the snails helps.Once the house is finished, George is approched by Marco and Joe who tells him about the Big Bad Wolf. In a tree, the wolf and Frank are watching the stone house, excited about trying to eat the pigs, Frank accidentally caused the branch they are standing on to break, much to the wolf's anger.After Marco and Joe explains to George what had happened, the wolf chases them as he attempts to eat the pigs and knocks his head on the door as they enter the stone house. Refused to be let in once again, the wolf prepares to blow down the house with Frank standing next to him.Taking a deep breath, the wolf exhales and inflates himself into a huge size, scaring Frank who hides behind a rock, and blows at the stone house. As the air is clearing, the house is still standing, much to the wolf's surprise. Frank suggests him to try again and the wolf, while still tired from his last attempt, agrees. More determinded than ever to blow down the house, the wolf exhales as his stomach grows and, with encouragement from Frank and after exchanging thumps up, inflates into a giant and starts floating as a balloon while blowing at the stone house. However, the house is still standing, much to the pigs' delight.Exhausted after failling to blow the house down, the wolf tells Frank to help him climb onto the roof. Once they enter the chimney, the pigs traps them into the pot and hands them over to Mr. Grizzlybear, who is looking for the ones who created the elixir that made him ill, in exchange for the land where the stone house is build.As punishment for their crimes, the Big Bad Wolf and Frank are forced by Mr. Grizzlybear to build a stone house for him and the pigs happily at their new home together with all of their friends."
TheLittleSongbird By all means, The Three Little Pigs is not terrible. It is better than Burbank's takes on Hercules, The Little Drummer Boy and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, at the same I found myself much preferring The Count of Monte Cristo,Hansel and Gretel and Pocahontas. The story while having the bare bones of the story intact is otherwise not as faithful in spirit. That didn't matter to me though. Some of the ideas they had like the Big Bad Wolf being a con artist were interesting and came off well. There are two characters I liked, George because he was the smartest of the three pigs and the Big Bad Wolf is a fun dastardly character. The music is also whimsical and quite charming. On the other hand, The Three Little Pigs is let down by primarily some rather weak animation quality, the character designs lack fluidity and sometimes exaggerated, the colours are flat and the backgrounds are not crisp enough and rather sparse at times. The writing is very corny, and excepting the Big Bad Wolf, who is voiced with relish, the same applies with the voice acting. The story has some interesting things going for it, but it doesn't help that the original story, as much as I like it, is too thin to sustain a 50 minute running time, which meant some meaningless padding. Apart from George and the Big Bad Wolf, I didn't care for the rest of the characters, Marco and Joe are rather annoying and bland and Frank the Weasel is I feel a pointless addition, other than being a friend and partner in crime he served little purpose to what was going on in the story. In conclusion, not bad but didn't live up to its potential. 5/10 Bethany Cox