The Spell

1977 "Her teenage thoughts cast a deadly spell of terror!"
5.6| 1h26m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 20 February 1977 Released
Producted By: Charles Fries Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A distraught mother must cope with her embittered daughter who has the ability to cause "accidents" to happen.


Horror, TV Movie

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Lee Phillips

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Charles Fries Productions


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The Spell Audience Reviews

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** Carrie clone that has homely but, unlike she's made out to be in the film, slightly overweight teenager Rita Matchett get revenge against her tormentors both in school as well as at home by using her telekinetic powers that we later learn that she was born with. It's the slim and sexy looking Jackie who's the first of Rita's victims who loses her grip while doing the Indian rope trick hitting the floor of the gym breaking her neck. Jackie made the mistake of getting under Rita's skin by calling her "Tubo" and "Fatso" every time she saw her.Back at home it was Rita's dad Glenn who always treated her like she was dirt or dog poop that got her to take revenge against her kid sister the slim and athletic looking Kristina, the apple of her dad's eye,whom she caused to lose her balance as well as coordination while competing in a swimming contests at school. It was in fact Rita's weird looking swimming coach Jo Standish a secret master of the black arts who took Rita under her wings and gave her the power by chanting together with her a number of unintelligible "Mombo Jumbo" phrases to do her tormentors in. There was also the spaced out and creepy looking Dale Boyce an expert in the paranormal who realized just what Rita was all about but knew that no one would believe him or that Rita would do him in if he ever opened his mouth about her. So he kept it-his mouth- shut all throughout the movie keeping it, his terrible secret, from both the police and the school authorities.***SPOILERS*** Most of the real action was saved until the very end of the movie when Rita was ordered by her dad ton take a flight to Great Britain to get rid of her as well to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Placer that really flipped her out. The last thing that Rita wanted to see is those clowns in their red coats and fur hats making monkeys out of themselves for the public's amusement. This had Rita strike out not at her dad but Jo Standish whom she now felt was just using her and her telekinetic powers for her own selfish advantage. ***MAJOR SPOILER*** It turned out that the person behind Rita's supernatural powers was non other then her All-American & apple pie looking mom Marilyn Matchett who once was a witch herself in what seemed like another lifetime! And she also kept that secret from Rita until she got so out of hand, in destroying everything in sight, and finally had to put an end to it!
Foxbarking "The Spell" is one of those extremely average made for TV movies that tries to work towards a goal, but misses it completely. In observing the progression of horror movies on television, it is pretty typical as to what you could have expected to be shown on television in the 1970's. It suffers, however, from two things: the constant chatter regarding it being a ripoff of "Carrie" and the poor and confused lesson taught at it's end.The most common thing I have read about this film is how it is a ripoff of "Carrie" and that is true to a degree. Made for television movies have long tried to copy themes from current theatrical releases in order to capitalize on turning the interest into ratings. However, only part of theme is remotely related to "Carrie" in that a girl is bullied and seeks revenge using paranormal powers. Rita, a bullied teenager, has an innate talent for witchcraft which she uses to hurt people who have tormented her for being fat (although ironically, she's only slightly overweight). There are no big revenge scenes or any dramatic buildup like you got in "Carrie." Rita is also not as sympathetic a character as Carrie White was.But while Rita may not be the most likable girl in 1970's revenge movies, she is definitely maligned. Her father is a worthless and disgusting excuse for a human being. He plays favorites with his daughters and makes it so painstakingly obvious that he not only prefers Kris, but absolutely despises Rita. He makes fun of Rita for being overweight. He heaps praise upon Kris, who is really a spoiled and annoying brat. He refuses to allow Rita to come out to restaurant with the family. He tries to send Rita to England to attend a school, not for her sake but simply because he doesn't like her and wants her gone.For a movie that gets compared to "Carrie" so often, you'd think there would be a lot of development in the revenge plot, but you'd be wrong. It's a slow moving pace that never really catches the viewer. The biggest problem with "The Spell" is that it teaches a really poor lesson to it's viewers. There is no doubt that Rita is unfairly treated by both her family and her peers. The movie leads you to believe her mother is on her side, but she's not. After "discovering" that Rita is using her witch like powers for revenge, the mother reveals that she has the powers as well and decides to punish Rita. What doesn't make sense about this is that the mother already knew what was going on. She follows Rita at the end of the movie and witnesses her using her powers and overhears the entire revenge plot. But it is obvious to the viewer that the mom already knows this so why the sudden change in her attitude occurs is unclear. The mom decides to send Rita to England and punishes her for what she did. At no point does the father get punished for his abhorrent behavior. He learns that you can hate someone for absolutely no reason and the moment they become a burden, you can send them away because it's easier for you.Only watch this movie if there is absolutely no better alternative. It sickened me to see how these people acted and it sickened me more that the wrong person got punished.
Foxpup82-79-884183 I was pretty sure what I was going to get when I decided to watch this on NetFlix, as I've seen most of the more successful 70s teen horror movies, and as I hadn't even heard of this one, it didn't bode too well. However, i do enjoy movies that are "so bad they're good" and thought perhaps The Spell would fall into this category. Firstly, the main character is supposed to be fat enough to be teased relentlessly about it - she's very slightly overweight. So this immediately made for a weak premise. People do get teased for being hopelessly nerdy - this would have been a far more believable scenario to get things rolling along. The family is well played - all very unlikable characters, shallow and annoying. I agree with one of the other reviewers - you will be rooting for them all to die under the hand of the "fat" teenager. (this movie is so bad I've forgotten the name of the main character already). Simply put, there wasn't enough drama, with the exception of the (SPOILER!) mom's friend's spontaneous combustion and the popular girl taking a tumble...if I had to describe this movie with one word, it would be "tepid". It's not totally unwatchable though - it reminds me a lot of an After School Special movie (those in the U.S. will know what I mean), albeit with some supernatural violence. If you love ugly 1970s fashion and annoying people, you might enjoy this movie. Otherwise watch Carrie or even Summer of Fear, instead.
preppy-3 An overweight plain high school girl (Susan Myers) is tormented daily by her peers. She acquires powers that allow her to destroy (or kill) her enemies. But she's getting out of control. Can her mother (Lee Grant) stop her?This was basically a TV remake of "Carrie". "Carrie" was R rated so most teenagers (like me) couldn't get in to see it. This was quickly made (it shows) and put on TV--it was a HUGE hit. For what it is, it's not bad. Grant and Myers especially are good and it's pretty well-written. The deaths or "accidents" are pretty tame (compared to "Carrie") but there IS a show-stopper near the end where one woman seems to decompose (or something) in seconds. For 1977 TV it was pretty graphic. It all leads to a showdown which (when you think about it) is pretty silly.Still this was good and I give it an 8. Anybody know how to see this? Like other 1970s movies it's disappeared!