Wonderful character development!
Thanks for the memories!
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Ava-Grace Willis
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
3.5 stars for this above average supernatural thriller. While the story is not wholly original - it's an example of the Revenge For Past Mistakes sub-genre of horror flicks - the movie nonetheless has interesting and sometimes creepy visuals, and a story line which unfolds in a way that is more interesting than many other films in this genre. The acting is also reasonably good, and while some scenes are a bit maudlin in the manner we often see in Asian horror flicks, it does not ever become overbearingly so. It moves at an unnecessarily slow pace, with some redundant scenes in which no new new info is revealed, and in which the thrills or creeps are the same as previous scenes; but the movie never bogs down entirely. Very much worth a look for fans of J-horror or Asian horror in general, even if it's not on the same level as the classics from that region.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
For a Japanese horror movie, then "Shock Labyrinth 3D" failed to live up to many of the other Japanese horror movies on the market, in the sense that it wasn't really scary and making you look over your shoulder every five minutes or so - that is, if you are expecting this movie to follow the 'standard formula' of a Japanese ghost movie.That being said, then don't get me wrong. Even though this movie is not up to par with other Japanese horror movies in the same genre, then "Shock Labyrinth 3D" delivers anyway, and it plays well on having an interesting story that keep evolving and adding new aspects and angles to the same story all throughout the course of the entire movie. And that is what made "Shock Labyrinth 3D" work out so well.Not forgetting to mention that they actually managed to pull off the 3D effects quite nicely. Of course it is nowhere near the spectacular effects of the 3D version of "Avatar", but still "Shock Labyrinth 3D" managed to deliver to nice effects and work the psyche just the right amount to actually creep under your skin.I will not venture into reviewing the story, as this movie has the type of story that needs to be seen to be enjoyed in all its fullness. And if you enjoy Japanese movies, horror movies that is, they you should definitely check out "Shock Labyrinth 3D" as it brings something new and interesting to the horror scene. This is more of a psychological thriller with just a hint of horror, than it is actually a horror movie, because it plays so heavily on the psyche.The story takes place in a run down building which is actually quite disturbing and confusing in itself, in its construction layout and with all the weird stuff that is placed inside it. Plus, the way they made use of the effects and visuals really helped to bring the mood of the setting to live in a great way. There were so many nice details in almost every scene.As for the people cast for the movie, then I can't really claim to remember having seen any of them in other movies, at least not right on the top of my head. And people did good jobs with their roles, especially Misako Renbutsu (playing Yuki) and Erina Mizuno (playing Myiu), their performance was quite memorable and really played out with their hearts poured into their characters.The musical score for the movie worked out well enough too, to help add to the mood of the movie. It was just subtle enough to be there in the background, and put in the front when something bizarre was taking place.If you have the chance to watch the 3D version of "Shock Labyrinth 3D", go for it, don't settle for the regular 2D version, because this was meant to be enjoyed in 3D. I warmly recommend "Shock Labyrinth 3D" to anyone who is looking for a new breath of air to the Japanese horror scene.
"Shock Labyrinth 3D" revolves around a group of childhood friends who share a tragic and dark secret. Their friend Yuki went missing 10 years earlier in a haunted house attraction they snuck into. One night, the lost child shows up as an adult at her friends' front door, frightened and still dressed the same way she was when she disappeared. The group decide to take her to the hospital and upon arriving discover they are locked in the abandoned building with something or someone sinister playing with their minds. Shimizu has a way with pulling you into his films and getting you emotionally involved. He takes you through all sorts of different emotions, from fear to sadness to empathy all in a 90 minute time period. His work goes so much deeper than what American viewers have seen with his "The Grudge" movies. Fans of intelligent horror films will love the "Shock Labyrinth 3D." The movie is an atmospheric and claustrophobic journey through the darkest parts of a person's mind. The fact that it was shot in the actual "Shock Labyrinth" haunted house attraction in Japan helps with the distinctive character of the film.
I really would have loved to like this more. And I tried to stay with it, as long as I could. You could argue about the 3-D or not. I will leave that aside and concentrate on the movie. A movie that starts off quite nicely. But as it progresses and with more riddles and things happening out of nowhere, you will loose focus of the movie and it's main characters after awhile.And although it has a good idea as it's stronghold, it still is too long, for it's own good. It feels as if the running time, is twice as long, as it actually is. While not much is happening and you still loose the plot/focus of the story, it's hard to find many good things in this. I still liked the cinematography overall (not the 3-D effect mind you) and some story beats it took. But as many people here, I was expecting much more of this.