That was an excellent one.
Sorry, this movie sucks
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Aiden Melton
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
A good performance by Chris Sarandon -one of the most underrated actors from that time. It isn't accurate with H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward", but its works. The cast help it work because this is a b-movie. If you like detective stories you will like this.Though it is easy to criticize a low-budget film, you can choose to take a step back from the drawbacks. The story does takes place in an interesting town (Providence). The picture also contains great narration and is put together well. The acting is also good enough to draw you into the plot -although it gets corny at times.What makes the film work is that the main characters are -mostly- well-cast and also become actual storytellers themselves. By the storytelling you can imagine what the smell of the experiments must have been like, the catacomb scenes are pretty cool. The exchanges between Sarandon and Terry are intense. You can tell that the actors in this movie really tried to make the best with the material they had to work with.The movie is like experiencing a good horror comic book. It seems to have its own unique momentum, and charm. Blending the historical colonial era with the little town.Mr. Sarandon is probably the main star, along with Robert Romanus who plays Lonnie Peck. The gore might be a little too much and cheezy, but I think was effective enough. The special effects aren't great, but aren't amateur. To me even the soundtrack worked because it gave this movie its own signature.
When Stuart Gordon became successful with his cheeky versions of H.P. Lovecraft stories I guess other studios decided to attempt doing a movie or two based on the guys work. This is one of them. It's actually pretty good and the best adaptation I know of although I've never read the story (I've read quite a few of his other stories though and their thematic signatures are unmistakable). I just think the movie's good and since his writing style is a lot like it, moody, murky, haunted by ambivalent facts and unholy histories that bleed horrors into the future, it's probably as accurate as your going to get without disfiguring it's essence and losing it's subtext by modernizing it. Actually, it does take place in modern times but accurate to the author's themes reality, the present, is just a superficial veil for the depthless ancient horrors lurking underneath that everyone's existence is built upon. This one takes itself really seriously and deserves credit not only for doing so but for the most part succeeding. And yes, it does have big ugly disgusting deformed monsters filmed in a way to suggest more than a fleeting glimpse of them would drive a person mad while inquisitive characters stumble around in the darkness of subterranean lairs, and of their own pasts, with unanswered questions and inadequate mobile lighting. The basic narrative starts as a detective story and then spreads into a supernatural conspiracy spanning time with the reincarnated version of the main character investigating what might be his own madness. And that's about all I can remember. I remember it was well written too but hey it's not only H.P. but Mr. O'bannon as well doing the honors. Unfortunately the douche bags (the production company?) who released and distributed this movie have not a made a DVD version of it (or any other format of it that I am aware of) readily available in years, possibly decades, so me telling you how good it is is probably a waste of time since the chances of seeing it are about as good as not seeing stupid capitalistic crap propaganda like "Batman Begins" collecting dust in a bargain bin for $2 in some department store dictatorship. Still there is the hope. Anyone with a copy heard of Youtube?
I am usually a big fan of most horror movies Dan O bannon is assoicated with { from Dead and Buried to Return of the Living Dead } and I had high expectations for this film. First off, this film is almost 2 hours long but the material contained within the film does not support that long of a time frame. In fact, it takes 56 minutes for the 1st real exciting visual scene to happen. The actor that portrays the investigator is quite amateurish while the lead that plays the female part is awful { take not of the beginning when she is in the detectives office and they are talking. Her performance is pathetic and she plays with her hands for 5 minutes} . The dialog leaves little to be desired and there's nothing inventive or unique about the camera-work. The soundtrack is very uneventful. I have no idea how people can rate movies like this a " 10" . In many ways this is a poor mans Reanimator. If you must see this film, just fast forward the 1st 55 minutes and start from there and even then you may feel very disastified.
... and if this abomination of a movie is a honestly true adaptation as the previous reviewers claim, I really don't ever plan on reading Lovecraft... ever.I like to start out with the high points. The lighting was very well done... nicely atmospheric. The cinematography was well realized, considering the apparent lack of talent on the directors part. The set design was pretty nice as well.Unfortunately, that is about the end of the positives. The acting was sub-par at best. The actors in this production have proved themselves to be competent in previous productions. Either the director of this movie had no control over his talent, or his talent gave him way too much control over their performances. Then there is the story. The person responsible for this awful, plodding adaptation needs to read a little more about plot and character development, not to mention the basics of suspension of disbelief. Okay, I understand that the story is about a 250 year old doctor who was brought back from the dead. I am willing to take that leap of faith. What I cannot understand are the little things. The main character, a private investigator, somehow is allowed to accompany police officers on a night-time raid of a dark farmhouse that reeks of death... then assumes the role of hostage negotiator while there is a half dozen armed police officers standing right behind him. And how many high security psych wards do you know of that will walk an unscheduled visitor into a criminally insane inmates padded cell (with it's own window btw) without searching the visitors large suitcase to see if might contain any weapons or drugs or human skeletons... It those little things that are the most insulting to the viewer. Even though it is a sci-fi/horror flick, we in the audience aren't retarded. We expect our fantasies to be somewhat grounded in reality.If this movie ever comes on Cinemax, by all means it's worth a watch. I have seen worse in my time. But if you are thinking of renting this movie and you are not a die-hard Lovecraft fan, save your money... really.