The Redemption of Henry Myers

6.2| 1h41m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 01 March 2014 Released
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Henry Myers (Drew Walters) is living a hard life, surviving on the frontier any way he can – even if it means robbing a bank. After his latest heist backfires and his partners (Bea Smith and Rio Alexander) betray him and leave him for dead, Henry's life takes a surprising turn when he finds kindness and compassion from a widow (Erin Bethea) and her children (Jaden Roberts and Ezra Proch).


Western, TV Movie

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Clayton Miller

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The Redemption of Henry Myers Audience Reviews

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Brad Day This film accomplishes its mission - telling an efficient story about the power of forgiveness through God's Grace. We follow Henry Myers, a hardened outlaw, as he navigates an uplifting journey on a path toward redemption. His interaction with the widow and her children is timeless. This gives the story its soul. I found the dialogue refreshing even compelling at times. Henry fights to overcome the plaguing guilt that is crippling his spirit. I rooted for the characters. This is a family film that doesn't exhaust itself on overly complicated story arcs. It focuses on its central theme in a refreshing non-gratuitous manner. "The Redemption of Henry Myers", while not without some minor blemishes (the acting is inconsistent in a couple of sequences) is an entertaining film that I recommend.
seashelllynne1 This is a better than average Christian film. In my opinion, for a faith-based film, this is a very solid movie. I watched this film on Hallmark and I found it a very appropriate film for this channel. I thought that Erin Bethea and Drew Waters did a fabulous job; however, some of the other acting fell short. The scenery and backdrop was quite lovely and the music in the film was simply beautiful. I think the Director did an amazing job with keeping the movie on point with no drawn-out or pointless scenes.My only complaint was that I found the film to be a little too "preachy" at times. I just wish that the Christian film industry could find a way to bring a powerful message in a more subtle way. I'm not suggesting compromise, but, just finding a way to broaden their ability to reach a larger audience. If the target is solely a Christian audience, then I would say that they achieved their goal.Overall, I think this is a good option if you're looking for a faith-based film or entertainment for the entire family.
mike-954-404827 This film is about redemption and God's grace. Unfortunately, it leaves something to be desired. I am a pastor and I am encouraged by the number of Christian films that are being released. I just wish that more of them would be better movies. This movie is not awful but it is not good, either. The acting is weak, the characters shallow and as predictable as the plot. It seems as if Henry is a bad guy, but a totally bad guy because he just wants to commit armed robbery but doesn't want anyone to get hurt. Someone does and Henry's nefarious cohorts take off without him. Henry accidentally kills the town parson and takes off but hides the money in the church before he does. Henry's partners come after him for their share and a lot bad shooting ensues. Henry is wounded and left for dead. He is found by a widow and her two children. They patch him up, not knowing who he is, and things are gong along pretty good. Until Henry sees a picture of the family and realizes that he killed the husband of the widow he has now fallen in love with. To top that off, the sheriff is the widow's former father-in-law. The bad guys find Henry, the sheriff and Henry, who is wounded again, save the day. They all live happily ever after because Henry s now a good guy. He probably marries the widow and becomes friends with the father or the man he killed. The movie is rife with over acting, bad dialogue, and a weak story. How many people are going to forgive the killer of husband and son and take them into their family? I believe in forgiveness. I know about God's grace, but I also know about human nature. This ending is a bit far fetched. There are better Christian films out there. Sorry, Sen. Santorum, your first film as a producer was not good.
raid517 Blatant Christian propaganda from start to finish. Awful. The movie is exactly what it says on the tin. Bad outlaw cowboy commits heinous crimes and is moved to guilt and self-reflection by the extent of his own criminal culpability. Meets up with stereotypical fatherless god fearing family who show him another and better way to live. Ugly outlaw undergoes a physical and spiritual transformation and through 'love' and the 'grace of God' he is both transformed and redeemed.It says a lot about modern American culture I guess that this movie has received a relatively warm reception in that country.I have nothing more to add. If you are a Mid-Western Christian fundamentalist you will love this movie. If you come from any other part of the world you will probably despise it for its blatant hypocrisy.