Redundant and unnecessary.
It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Anoushka Slater
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Operation Terror provides a more realistic scenario than a guy in a cave in Afghanistan organizing some skinny guys with box cutters outwitting NORAD. 1. 6 ton steel beams cannot fly sideways from the WTC to hit the AmEx building 600 feet away at 60 mph with enough force to stick like darts. 2. Concrete does not crush like air at free fall speed in the WTC 7 for over 2 seconds, as acknowledged by NIST 3. It does not take NORAD or the Air National Guard over an hour to respond to 4 subsonic passenger planes, especially from nearby air bases such as Andrews Air Force Base only a few miles from the Pentagon. Path to 9/11 is propaganda. Ask for a better explanation, such as www.OperationTerror.com
As a veteran of the US Marine corp and severed under several presidents. I would have to say this movie was right on the money. To the US turning its back on the Kurds to President Clinton turning his blind eye to Osama (dont that sound like Obama). Hell Iran had Osama arrested and asked Clinton if he wanted him, Clinton said no. Even though Clinton the one that thought you could only go after these monsters was through the court system had a murder warrant out for Osama, Clinton let him go. This movie can be backed up from DoD and state department records. I am just glad we finally have a president with a back bone like Honorable president Bush and not a wimp liberal like Clinton or Gore to turn a blind eye to the real threat of terrorism.
Full of mockumentary camera wobble. The only thing worse than the camera wobble were the non-stop lies. Actually, the only thing worse than the non-stop lies was the film taking six hours for a plot that could have been summarised in two: President Clinton, according to this, was spectacularly indecisive, and President Bush extremely decisive. Although claiming to be "based on" the 9/11 Commission Report, it contradicts by the 9/11 Commission Report in several important places.And worse than that: it's dull. You wouldn't think that a film made about such a major disaster could be dull. But it was.
There was a point close to the end of the movie where there was a scene in Madrid. There was a guitar instrumental in a minor key that was part of the music score. I am wondering if anyone can help me find a listing of the music score for the documentary - I've looked everywhere for the score but have not been able to find it. I've also listened to solo instrumental guitar pieces on Tunes and have looked through websites and related postings on the 9/11 movie. However, I can't find the name of the instrumental. It was during a scene with some "evil plotting" going on, but I don't think you could hear the words that were being said - just the haunting yet beautiful solo guitar piece. Can anyone help me? Thanks Meredith