It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
I decided to watch this with the great John hurt and the likeable elijah wood .It really is very dull and am so wanting to turn it off .But am intrigued as to who done it , trying g to stay awake for the next 46 minutes .
Well, Oxford reminds me of Hoggwarts and the encrypted messages and symbols make me think to the Dan Brown. But as it deals more with logic and science, it's would be more "Angels & Demons".Actually, despite being French, i got a British chromosome for everything truly Brit rises my interest : Oxford as Cambridge has always been big names for college and one of my regrets in life is that I didn't live a college courses like this: stunning campus, prestigious history, fraternities, night of the prom! French universities lack all this! With this movie, I intended to take a tour inside and I am pleased: reality is always less gratifying than imagination because I found Oxford ancestral and Gothic but also old and not very magical.But the movie is interesting and asks good questions for those who like to ponder: numbers, maths exist by themselves or only in man's mind?For those who like crime stories, I think this movie is rather unique because the twists are really great! At last, the cast is wonderful: Wood as McGuire has good manners thus seem sympathetic fellows, Hurt bears wisely his age and Waitling is hard to forget when like me, you watch the movie on a hot summer night!
I say that with all affection as I love John Hurt's acting and always make a point of watching his films.............this however was absolutely dreadful.The whole thing came across as incredibly amateur, a bit like a student film that you expect to be a bit clunky. The dialogue and plot exposition was almost robotic and gave the impression that those in charge just decided to go with the first draft of the script rather than inject any subtlety or depth in a rewriting process.Whether it was done in a rush for some reason I have no idea but suffice to say the only things that got 'murdered' here were credibility and plausibility (and maybe Elijah Wood's career).
I have always been a fan of murder mysteries and after seeing the DVD in my video store, I thought the Oxford murders sounded pretty interesting with a slight dan brown edge to it. Having Elijah wood and john hurt in the two lead roles also prompted my interest too. After having watched it, I must say that I wasn't entirely taken with it. The acting was on par and I could sit and listen to john hurts voice all day but the story line was not badly executed but more like sluggishly executed. The script could have done with more tightening up, and a few scenes could have been deleted (such as the awful love scenes between Elijah wood and the actress who plays his love interest) The story has a great premise but that is far as my praise extends. I'm not saying I hate it but its not a film I would willingly go see again.