The Muthers

1976 "Out of the steaming slave markets come the ravaging sea-savages...the Muthers!"
4.9| 1h23m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 November 1976 Released
Producted By: Dimension Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A band of female pirates go undercover at a prison camp on a coffee plantation to rescue their leader's sister.


Drama, Action

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Cirio H. Santiago

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Dimension Pictures


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The Muthers Audience Reviews

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lawbolisted Powerful
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Art Vandelay This movie reminds me of the episodes of Magnum P.I where they'd be flashing back to Magnum, Rick and TC in Vietnam, where Thomas and Rick in really bad cammo makeup would be hustling through the heavy brush of Honolulu with TC hovering overhead in his chopper. Similar 15-cent production values. Same cardboard-cutout SE Asians. Same ridiculously bad hand-to-hand combat. Same generic music. I assume when people went to the Drive-In in the 70s they watched the feature film then furiously made out while this junk was on the screen. I can't imagine anyone actually paying actually hard-earned currency to see this in a theatre. Not even in 1970s Times Square. I give it 2 stars for the shower scene. Two beautiful firm black stars.
atlasmb The title of this film might give you a clue to its poor quality. This is the kind of B film that one might expect to find in the worst drive-in theaters.The main characters are some beautiful black women who use poorly simulated martial arts to gain revenge on men who treat them like property, often white men.The dialogue is atrocious, the production values cheap, the acting amateurish, and the background music sounds like someone used a cassette player to tape instrumental sections of other films and then (almost randomly) used them in this film.This is Blaxploitation at its worst. It is demeaning to its audience, because the quality is so bad and it assumes the viewer is less sophisticated than a seventh grader. This film is so bad it would be laughable if not for its blatantly racist and misogynistic undertones.
Woodyanders A band of female pirates partake in a daring rescue mission to save one of their own from the vile clutches of vicious white slavers. Sounds like one hell of a solid and stirring premise, right? Well, alas, the potentially explosive potential of said premise never gets fully realized due to Cirio H. Santiago's flat direction, a rather blah and overly talky script by Cyril St. James, blandly staged action scenes, an often poky pace, surprisingly mild violence, and only a smidgen of gratuitous female nudity. The key problem is that Santiago never manages to acquire the hard sleazy edge needed to make this picture seriously smoke. Luckily, the attractive and animated female leads keep this one watchable: Jayne Kennedy as the classy Serena, Roseanne Katon as the sassy Anggie, Jeannie Bell as the sweet Kelly, and Tina Parks as the sharp-tongued Marcie. Tony Carreon makes for a suitably slimy villain as the scurvy and sadistic Monteiro. John Montgomery likewise breathes some much appreciated life into the otherwise fairly limp proceedings as treacherous rival pirate leader Turko. The ineptly staged martial arts fights with their obvious use of stunt doubles are good for a few hearty unintentional laughs. Fortunately, things pick up considerably in the eventful and exciting last third, but overall this movie sizes up as an okay diversion at best.
garyldibert This picture, released in movie theaters in November 1976 starring the gorgeous and tall Jayne Kennedy as Serena, Jeannie Bell as Kelly, Playboy Playmate Rosanne Keaton as Anggie, Trina Parks as Marcie, Tony Carreon as Montiero, and John Montgomery as Turko. Summary: The picture opens on the seas as the mothers are riding in a boat when they come across a boatload of people. The Muthers are nothing more then you are modern Pirates they go along and rob people from the seas and the ocean. Kelly tells Anggie to stand by with the gun, as the rest of the crew gets ready to go aboard. Anggie fires the gun as the people on board hit the desks as the rest of the Pirates climb a board and takes anything and everything they can get there hands on. That evening the Muthers take there boat and there very hot goods to a local harbor where they pond them off cash and supplies. While at this harbor they see there number one nemesis Turko trying to soften up some of the local government. Therefore, the next day the girls decide to attack Turko because Anggie and Kelly were getting bored. At first Turko stand his ground but is later scattered along with the rest of his men as the Muthers bring in the boat with the high power guns. So after the Muthers get back to camp Kelly is told that her younger sister Sandy has run of again her parents want Kelly to go find her. So Anggie and Kelly go looking for Sandy in a local village where they end fighting for there survival because some men don't understand what the word no means. Meanwhile, back at Kelly camp where there parents live it is attacked by Turko who's trying to find out where Kelly is. The next day as the girls are talking about what there next move is a man approaches them from the Justice Department. The man tells Kelly that a man that calls himself Montiero that has Sandy on an Island called Get out If You Can. Montiero runs the Island as a prison camp for women kidnapped her sister, and he also has as his own Serena. Now the girls have found there way on this Island and they question are they ever going to find there way off? Now a few thoughts of my own about this picture. My Thoughts: This Movie reminded me of two others The Big Bird Cage and Terminal Island. This movie was good because it kept my interest through out the entire movie. Jeannie Bell and Rosanne Katon were very good in their roles as the leaders to the Muthers. Trina Parks was also very good as her role as Marcie who became the Muthers friends once they were in camp. I thought that Tony Carreon did a good job as the fat pig who ran the Island and kept the girls as slaves. Now for the real reason I bought this and that was Jayne Kennedy. She did fantastic job playing the role of Serena and she was gorgeous in anything she wore. Therefore, on the fact that Jayne Kennedy was the leading woman and because of her beauty I give this movie 10 weasel stars and you can buy this movie on