Sorry, this movie sucks
Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Absolutely Fantastic
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Joel Andersson
This film is your perfect guide to everything that's wrong with skateboarding today. The ridiculous amounts of prize money. The big flashy cars. The million dollar mansions. The profane and demeaning rap music. NIKE?! What does Nike have to do with skateboarding all of a sudden? Most of the so called skaters in this thing are disgusting, snot nosed kids who are only in it for the money. What was once a punk rock way of life has turned into a billion dollar business run by huge corporations. This film celebrates that downfall. Thanks Dyrdek. Thanks a lot for helping out ruining one of the coolest cultures ever. I suggest that if you do watch this, you should watch Bones Brigade: An Autobiography directly after, and learn what skating's really all about.
First off I want to say skateboarding has changed a lot since I was a teen skating daily like an addict. I always leaned more towards street tricks (grinds, jumps) so its amazing to see that street skating has blown up in this way. Now about the film. It is an amazing inside look at each skater. These guys practice and train non stop for these brief moments of perfection. It is intense to see the final contest watching these guys move sometimes like machines, and I mean that in a positive way. It was really touching and inspiring. Those guys (some barely kids) were impressive. I think a fan of any sport or dedication will enjoy the film.