best movie i've ever seen.
A Major Disappointment
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Peter Lakin
The making of walking with dinosaurs was interesting because - I liked the way you came up with the "walk" for Ornithocherus; the "hop" made me laugh, because it was so unusual!! I still wonder how they came up with a colour scheme for the dinosaurs, and I liked the "weight-gaining" part of the process, because the skeletal structure changed into the final image of the dinosaur itself. Although the images were so obviously computer-created, that did not detract from the enjoyment and fascination of the concept. Kenneth Branagh's voice-over (as always) contributed to the overall attraction, and increased the "compulsive viewing" of the whole production.
Jonah Falcon
Extremely witty and extremely insightful on the making of "Walking With Dinosaurs". Discussions of CGI and archeologist sifting through fossilized dung could be dry and boring, but the doc is anything but. One of the more amazing things is that the dinosaur specialists learned more from the documentary than a lot of their field work, because it "showed" them what was physically possible and what couldn't work, such as how the pterosaurs walked.Keep an eye for the hystical chapter interludes, for such sights as a ceolophysis skateboarding with a helmet, or an impudent dino that won't stay still for an animator.