Really Surprised!
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Anyone expecting a good war film will be disappointed by "The Last Drop." This piece of fiction is incongruous all around. The plot is far-fetched. The CGI is so obvious and terrible, especially in the scenes of masses of gliders being towed by airplanes. The special effects aren't very good. The acting is poor to fair. The script, screenplay and directing are poor. In short, this film is a dud. Far too many things make it seem unreal to the point that most people watching it wouldn't believe it was anything like real life or action in World War II.I don't mind fictitious stories about WW II. There have been some very good ones. But the characters, acting, and presence of the players are made to be as real as possible. Not so in this film. Here are some examples. The men in the glider get a bumpy twisting ride after being cut loose and while being shot at by anti-aircraft guns. So, these Army troops are yelling and screaming. It could only be that way in the minds of 21st century movie makers who have no clue. The two young women in the opening scene are cooking for German guards. They are in the underground resistance. So, one of them urinates in the stew pot and the other spits in it. That was probably intended to be funny, but again, only in a modern mind detached from any inkling of the reality of such a situation in war. They never would have jeopardized getting caught, being punished or exposing themselves. But, that would have been in real life. The plot couldn't get much wilder or weirder. A Nazi SS unit is charged with removing a concealed cache of art treasurers to Berlin. A former junior officer to the Nazi major, whom he thought had been killed on the Eastern front, is alive and seeking revenge. So, he has made his way with a small band of German deserters, through German lines to try to get the loot. At the same time, a small top secret bunch of British soldiers veer off of the Operation Market Garden airborne assault of Holland, to try to capture the treasure cache from the Nazis. Within that group, there are some who want to keep it for themselves. Then, there is the American Army advancing on the location. The Americans are portrayed as an unruly bunch, it seems from the 101st Airborne Division. Those officers didn't behave anything like the loud-mouthed, rowdy characters we see in this film. The character of the Canadian pilot is almost a joke. He seems to be out on a Sunday stroll after their glider lands. Well, he is a crack shot though. Of course, the German major and a couple of others from the various groups are so invincible and expert marksmen that they just walk upright and pick off the enemy with their pistols while machine gun and rifle fire flies all around them. This is a British film made in Romania. It's an example of a story in an older setting but told with modern aspects of culture – speech, mannerisms, etc. Putting modern culture in a past time really destroys any effort at believability with an audience. And that just makes any good action seem out of place and unreal as well. Again, this is a big dud.
I have to admit, I quit watching this movie after about 15 minutes or so. And this comes from a guy who sat through "Hell Ride"! It was blatantly obvious that there was no way the filmmakers were going to be able to redeem the big pile of cow dung they had churned out so far.Everything from the script, the actors, the cinematography, the editing, and not to mention the laughably bad visual effects is just deplorable.The movie starts off with one meaningless scene with ze Nazis, quickly moving on to one where we're in a plane with the jolly good Allies. From what I can recall, everyone has a different accent, beautifully topped off with an officer whose accent I really can't place (is he South African? Scottish? English? Kiwi?). Zip boom bang, we're in the middle of a firefight with (supposedly) well trained soldiers ducking behind flimsy bushes as to shield themselves from ze Nazi's machine gun fire.By this stage, the game Klondike on my ipod was far more intriguing than this movie. Then again, I'd rather watch a colonoscopy than another second of The Last Drop again.Exactly when in the process did they discover that there was no way of salvaging this shipwreck of a movie? I would've loved to be in that meeting! Avoid this movie at all costs! See Kelly's Heroes (1970) instead, if you want a solid WWII gold heist movie!
Lejla Kolman
I've just seen "The Last Drop". Honestly, I had to watch it twice to see the whole film, for it failed to pull me in like other wartime-movies usually do. Having seen so many excellent wartime-movies, my expectations were at the beginning fairly high. Unfortunately, I was left disappointed for "The Last Drop" is no match for great movies such as "The Great Raid" or "Saving Private Ryan". The film lacks tension and suspense, as it shifts from one scene to another, as well as professional acting to carry out a good quality performance. I agree with the rest of you who claim the accents being indescribable and improper for everyone seems to speak with his own variety of British accent. That's just weird. To my opinion, the whole production of the movie is bad as the storyline loses thread and a viewer is thus left confused and rather disturb. On the other hand, putting in real footage makes the film a little bit more plausible and somehow makes up for the weak script reflected in excruciatingly poor dialogue. There is some ribald sense of humor to spice things up, yet not enough to bring characters into life. All in all, the scriptwriter and the producer of the film provide a viewer with low budget special effects, bad scenery and a sort of a mish-mash of old (jazz) and modern (rock!! :S ) soundtrack music. So, if you really do want to watch a wartime-movie, try to avoid this one and pick the miniseries "Band Of brothers" or one of the above mentioned movies instead.
Jonathan Reid
Turned it of 3/4 of the way through as the plot was lame and it goes nowhere fast. Some well known actors in there but the plot line was so drawn out it was boring and the greatest actors couldn't save it! The film had a lack of direction and a so-so script to boot. The stunts were OK but the images they portrayed were totally unbelievable. For instance 2 German officers broke through a US checkpoint and got away, then they were targetted by air in a small Jeep which was subsequently bombed from above, not once but twice and this was in a heavily wooded area! You find yourself often thinking AS IF! Wouldn't recommend it, it turned out to be cheesy, lame and totally boring.