Ricardo Daly
The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Director Lo Wei should have spent more time asleep in his director chair or at the race track instead of actually directing this movie. I tried to watch this for the third time and still can't keep my finger off the fast forward button. I had to wait at least 20 minutes for the first fight and it was between Jackie Chan and Jimmy Wang Yu. It was craptacular. By about an hour I totally gave up on fight expectations and slowed down for some eye candy but even the lovely ladies failed to hold my attention. Jimmy's career as an action lead had not totally crashed and burned, he had a few moments in films in 1977, but this movie was certainly where it ended for him. Jackie, once he totally escaped from Lo Wei's clutches, managed to recover. I cannot recommend this for even the most hard core fan as I myself am a hard core fan and I still have not watched the movie to completion after three attempts.
I loved the set of of this movie. Only a slightly more complex premise than is typical of the genre and probably only one or two too many characters as well. However, there is a lack of action for the first hour or so of the movie. In part this helps to build a sense of mysticism are the "killer meteor" itself, which is a weapon held by Yu Wangs character which hear a lot of but never actually see until the second from last scene. Also there is the same sense of excitement built up from a lack of kung fu demonstrated by the lead character whose kung fu is so infamous and again I liked this. But when we actually seen Yu Wang in action, his skills are not only very inconsistent but they are also underwhelming at times.The movie is also rather wordy for a movie of this sort and the dialog can be bland at times. This is especially noticeable towards the finally when several of the main characters spend a lot of time explaining their role in the plot. It's strange, many people are put off of Kung Fu and Wuxia films because they feel that the comedy elements are either inappropriate and spoil the vibe or simply immature, but when you have seen as many of these films as I have, there is no doubt that without the dash of comedy many of these films feel empty.Mainly the thing which lets this movie down is the mistake of there being so many twists that after the third or forth, the viewer has lost interest. I certainly lost interest myself and feel confident that if I had any emotional energy left after this movie with which to assess these twists, I would find that things do not quite add up.There are a lot of negatives in this review but I maintain my love of the enough to give it a moderate rating in spite of these. Although some of the sword play is slower ad more obviously staged than others, the fight sequences on the whole are still admirable. One of the things which keeps me coming back to these films is the setting. I am happy to watch a bad movie is I enjoy the setting and the general feel of the movie. I think this movie had a good amount of mythology which doesn't require too bog of a leap of imagination to accept. If you are kung fu junkie like myself, then by all means watch it because it is so much better than the rating suggests, but do not expect anything too special. I would suggest NOT to watch this movie if you have looked this movie up because you want to watch a Jackie Chan movie or if you are the type to pick holes in a movie's story-line.
OK, there is only one explanation for this flick. Contemporary artists from the 5th dimensions open some kind of temporal rift twixt their world and Taiwan in 1976. They proceeded to use some form of hypno beam to assemble a cast and proceeded to make the movie "The Killer Meteors".They then promptly left leaving a legacy of confusion that would last for decades to come.
It's not the best movie ever made, but I recommend this one for martial arts fans who watch their kung-fu for the fighting, and the characters, as I like to sometimes. There is this incredible heirarchy of experts, which gets more compelling as the movie goes on. From the three fighters in the beginning who are good enough to break rocks, to the best fighters in the world, we get a look at the whole gamut. Half of them seem to be better than any fighter from most other movies, and the other half amaze you with how much better than the rest of the people they are!Most kung-fu movies have one or two really great fighters, and they end up fighting in the end. But this one has a dozen or so, and I really get excited when I think about just how bad these guys are.