A Masterpiece!
A different way of telling a story
It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Bad acting, bad directing, bad writing = predictable and not good. Don't waste your time.
The Killer Inside Me is a rather unpleasant film that never decides what it is trying to do. The story of a 1950's west Texas sheriff harboring a dark secret, the film is a well-appointed yet hollow period piece that confounds and disgusts rather than provokes and inspires.Casey Affleck turns in a reliably intense and committed performance as the sociopathic sheriff, but he is unable to overcome the haphazard characterization, poorly-written women, and wavering tone that plagues the rest of the film. Winterbottom never truly settles on how to tell the story, with moments of suspense and dread giving way to what one might call whimsy in a matter of seconds. The events of the end of the film retroactively draw into the question the decision-making and competence of all of the characters around Affleck, and leave the viewer frustrated. The absolute gutter-level CGI does the film no favors either.Featuring some of the most graphic on-screen beatings I've ever seen in a film (no, I haven't seen Irréversible), this 2010 film might be the one that comes back to haunt 2017 Casey Affleck more than any other. It certainly looks like a poor choice in roles considering the accusations levied against him that were highly publicized during his run toward an Academy Award win this past year.The film certainly deserves the criticism it received upon release for the gratuitous violence inflicted upon the women in the film, who seem to exist solely to receive this pain. We are left to wonder what kind of story could have been told with a more thoughtful script and more subtle hand behind the camera.
Killer Inside Me tells the story of Jake, a disturbed psychopath which suddenly starts to be a psychopath. The characters actions and their development are really obscure in this film, and so is the story. This is the kind of film that chooses to left too much to the viewer mind instead of explain, and this in fact prejudices the film. I also noted that a few things are clearly missing in the film but are fully explained in the book, as for example, a key element about the Lou's past, however i can see why this detail isn't explored deeply in the film. The missing content is way too disturbing, and probably was scrapped to avoid an inevitable NC-17 rating(my opinion).However, judging by the massive failure of the film in the box- office, with a mediocre 3 million dollars grossed(compared to the 13 millions spent in the production) , a more complete and possibly NC-17 film would turn this film in a actually good one. A missed opportunity, perhaps. The cinematography of this film is stylized, it don't follows the norm of use 'natural lightning' to make a film whose set in the 'old times'. It's an interesting choice, but natural light is more charming than the stylized one in this film. Although neither really reflects the dark atmosphere of this film.So yeah. It is watchable, unless if you don't have stomach to handle the really disturbing violence . 5.4/105.4/10
There's quite a few note-worthy things about this film. The performances are pretty decent, Affleck in particular. It's never boring. But I just cannot stand by this film. It takes a LOT for me to be disgusted and angered by a film, and in that respect this film really did its job. Those few instances of violence, when it's shown on screen, is just too much. I really hated the director's choice to have so much of it shown, and in that respect, despite it not being all that bad really, I take major points off. Jessica Alba is pretty awful, as expected, and Kate Hudson very effective. Alba's character is also one of the most detestable characters in quite a while, just for what she allows.