Best movie of this year hands down!
Wow! Such a good movie.
Don't Believe the Hype
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Justin Michels
If you're looking for gratuitous, full-frontal nudity, you've come to the right place. Other than that, this movie has nothing else to offer. This movie tries hard to be a quality B-film, but that effort in itself disqualifies the movie from consideration for that category. So, if you're into semi-attractive girls getting naked and fooling around with a wriggling, rubber optic nerve, by all means -- check this one out. If not, rent "Troll 2" instead. You'll see what I mean.
I am almost ashamed of having uttered the word "genius" when referring to such cinematic staples of artistic expression such as Welles' "Citizen Kane," or Hitchcock's "Psycho," after viewing Full Moon Studio's landmark in achievement that is "The Killer Eye."This giant killing eye from the eighth dimension reflects a Jungian shadow, if you will, of the fragile characters portrayed within. Mad scientist, Grady (Jonathon Norman), bickers with his wife Rita (Jacqueline Lovell), who hasn't shown this much range since her role in the classic "Nude Bowling Party," and the eye is a representation of their fledgling relationship as husband and wife. Rita's abstract yearnings for sexual pleasure are manifested concretely as this rampaging eye, with a tantalizing taste for eroticism.Director David DeCoteau articulates his artistic vision with intense altruism. His use of the ancient Japanese art of mise en scène within this particular film solidifies his place among the great directors of the 20th century.The cast is perfectly assembled, including newcomer Ryan Van Steenis who snaps, crackles and pops as the street kid whose eye is transformed into an inter-dimensional gateway. "The Killer Eye" is a film that is sure to go down the annals of history as one of the greatest films of all time.
This movie is BAD in just about every department....acting, special effects, dialogue, the whole premise seems to have come from some cheesy/sleazy comic book dimension. All of this is not to say that it's not entertaining. The "intended" humorous moments fall with a thud, but don't worry....the biggest and best laughs here are the unintentional ones. Connoisseurs of bad cinema will have a field day with "The Killer Eye," even though at only 68 minutes, it seems to be stretching it's material pretty thin. If "MST3K" was still around, this would be a prime candidate for their snide and satirical barbs.
I bought this movie cause it was on sale at hollywood video. I must say that this definately is not a horror movie..This is more like a comedy..The eye looked very cheesey..and the effects were not all that great. THe acting was subpar but they did the best with the script they were dealing with. IF you are not looking to watch a serious movie then The Killer Eye is good for 90 minutes of mindless movie watching