Sorry, this movie sucks
Don't Believe the Hype
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
I had "The Janitor" recommended to me by two friends, and when a time came where the opportunity presented itself, I jumped on it like a loaded hand grenade. Best decision I could possibly make. There is a fine line between "good bad horror films" and "bad bad horror films" (see also my review for "Andre the Butcher") and this one stays safely on the "good" side.The plot is this: a janitor is sick of being looked down on and kills as many people in his office building and at a sorority that he can in the time given him.This film is not going to be something called a masterpiece. The acting is campy, the characters are caricatures, and if it cost more than twenty dollars to film this I would be surprised. But they make it work. Those with a sick sense of humor will love the non-stop jokes about STDs and semen. And the violence and gore is about the best you will find in a horror film, mainstream or otherwise. Star / writer / director Andy Signore seems to have learned a lot from Troma's Lloyd Kaufman (who appears in this film as a bum).There's also a difference between good horror nudity and bad horror nudity. Some films throw topless women in the mix simply because they can, and others will do so in a way that is completely unattractive (see again "Andre the Butcher"). The Janitor has some excessive nudity, but it seems necessary and very "hot" which complements the gore aspects well. (I say "necessary" because the characters who get nude are written to build up to these things, unlike other films that have nude women show up without explanation.) Oh, and if you like the nude scenes, check out the Easter Eggs on the DVD. Well worth it.Okay; campiness, humor, nudity, gore. What am I missing? Ah, yes, the music video on the DVD. This is also a must-see. The star not only wrote and directed, he also sings on the soundtrack and has made a great music video called "You're Gonna Die" which fits the theme of the film well and teaches you to respect your cleaning staff.Rent this film. Buy this film. If you do not like it, I cannot offer you a refund -- but you will never have to trust another horror movie review from me again.
There seems to be an awful lot of "10" reviews on this film on here...either people are posting that are affiliated with this film - or the idea of giving a film a perfect score is lost on me. I'll say that THE JANITOR is a relatively entertaining gore film if the forced-comedy Troma angle is your thing - but there's really nothing remarkable about this one at all. The box quotes liken THE JANITOR to early Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi...I guess that would be true if you took all of the decent performances, cinematography, and actually funny humor out of Raimi or Jackson's films and just left the gore. Otherwise, THE JANITOR has nothing on THE EVIL DEAD (1 or 2), BAD TASTE, or BRAINDEAD. Not that I hated this film by any means - but 10's seem a little out of whack for this one...THE JANITOR is about - you guessed it - a janitor - named Lionel (a nod to BRAINDEAD perhaps ???), who kills pretty much everyone who annoys him. He has a mentor/partner named Mr. Growbo (who is actually the one person in this film who seems to be a decent actor...) who knows Lionel's secrets but keeps his mouth shut due to their old friendship and camaraderie as sh!t sweepers. That is, until Lionel decides to ditch Growbo and take a job at a sorority house because he hates the place that he and Growbo currently work at. Growbo isn't too pleased with all this and decides to turn the tables on Lionel and steal the job at the sorority house. Lionel of course is not pleased by the turn of events and decides to take it out on Growbo and everyone that is at the sorority house...Again - I didn't hate THE JANITOR at all - it just wasn't anything very memorable. Other than the guy that plays Growbo, the acting is horrible and although the gore is pretty heavy - it's usually pretty ridiculous looking and ineffective. I'm sure some will say "well, the acting in this film isn't supposed to be good - it's supposed to be a campy horror/comedy..." but I typically find that to be a cop-out for the fact that the script and actors themselves are no good. That's one of the main reasons that I don't like Troma or Troma-style films, other than a very small handful of notable exceptions. If micro-budget Troma-style films are your thing (Kauffman even makes a very inept cameo in this film...) then you'll probably love this one - others will find it an OK way to pass 90 minutes...6/10
Tom Willett (yonhope)
Hi, All Gore fans,No, I didn't say Al Gore. All gore. Good gore. More gore.This is a film that I believe was a remake of The Sound of Music but slightly different. This time Julie Andrews is a janitor who is played by a bearded guy. His partner is a Dick Van Dyke look-a-like but who sounds more like Howard Stern after gargling Pennzoil.The movie begins with a clever title sequence, well edited, and has correct spelling. There is a killing before the title and then it becomes violent with nice music here and there. Good comedy seminal fluid inserts.Costuming is very well done. Acting is superb, but does not detract from the occasional bloodspurt. Death scenes are funny.Lionel the Janitor is sort of a combination plate of Jonathan Winters, Charles Bronson, Hulk Hogan, Leo Gorcey, Steven Segal and a touch of Shirley Temple. His partner is more of a cross between Dolph Lundgren and Tex Ritter with a voice somewhat reminiscent of Mr. Ed.This is a very funny slasher movie that is well made. I hope the team works on some more stuff soon. Perhaps a western.Tom Willett
The movie-industry has been due for a good slasher film for a long time. It seems the contemporary film industry has led the horror genre to fall into two clearly distinct categories: the M. Night recipe of infinite plot twists that confound the viewer and ultimately leave him unsatisfied, or the psychological horror tripe in which the climax is the protagonist awaking to realize that the entire ordeal was all a dream. These shortcomings are compounded by a level of seriousness that rivals Pentagon Briefings, which leaves the viewer mumbling "Bueller? Bueller?" in a vain attempt to make sense of where the last two hours of his life went."The Janitor" shines because it isn't meant to be taken seriously. Nor is the viewer expected to see it as a dramatic, break-through work that rattles the conventions of society while leaving the viewer with a single tear-trail on an ashen cheek. With so many first-time filmmakers attempting to take Cannes by storm with this cookie-cutter film making style, it would almost be prudent to call the thought process of first-time directors Signore and Nordaker groundbreaking. It follows: Slasher fans like violence. Slasher fans like dark comedy. Slasher fans like beautiful naked women. Let's make a film with violence, dark comedy, and nude hot chicks that would make my great-grandfather pop a boner.And they have done just that. Signore and Nordaker have accomplished in their first attempt what many veteran directors have yet to achieve: they have made a film that is enjoyable to watch that does not, by any means, remain in the realm of good taste. And that is how it should be; similar to Raimi's early work, "The Janitor" keeps the viewer on the thin line between face-stiffening laughter and gore-induced queasiness. As the film begins to stray more towards one side, the filmmakers skillfully pull the viewer back with clever writing and savvy editing. It is clear that Signore and Nordaker have created a film that is both enjoyable and entertaining. It is also certain that the directors of "The Janitor" have a promising future in the film making industry. Finally, this viewer will ensure that he never forgets to put his office cleaner on his Christmas Card list, lest he stray to far into the custodial closet, never to be seen again!