I love this movie so much
Sadly Over-hyped
Absolutely Fantastic
The core idea of this movie - two washed-up individuals struggling to make a big comeback - is a sound one, even though it's been done by many other films before. Though being about magicians does give this telling some freshness. The supporting cast members come off the best, giving some much needed life to the movie and a few chuckles. Though it's Jim Carrey (an actor I normally can't stand) who delivers the biggest laughs of the movie, with his Criss Angel- like character taken to some hilarious extremes. Most of the movie, however, focuses on the Steve Carell character, and that's where there's a big problem. Carell's character for most of the movie is very off-putting and unlikable, and because of that, most of his scenes are simply not very funny. In fact, much of the rest of the movie isn't that funny; there's a surprisingly low energy feeling for the most part, where it seems that everyone involved was afraid to get really silly. This is most evident at the climax, which should have been zanier and over the top in nature. As I said, there are some chuckles and even a few genuine laughs, but for the most part this is a movie you watch with silence for the most part. It passes the time, but you'll forget about it a few hours afterwards.
Basically, this movie - about two warring magicians - got a lot of flack at the box office and was almost branded 'a flop.' Yes, it's no masterpiece. It's not even a comedy masterpiece. Perhaps people expected more because of the talent on display. They may have a point - the film does have a stellar cast and maybe it should have been better, or funnier than it actually is. However, just because it's no classic, doesn't mean that it's not worth watching.It's light-hearted and easy-going. The gags - while occasionally predictable - are still amusing. You may not have many 'belly laughs' but, if you're in the mood for something that isn't very serious and quite frothy, the film should maintain a little smile on your face all the way through.You may get a little more out of it if you're a fan of any or all of the actors. Steve Carell and Jim Carrey are top-billed and for a reason - they play their (kind of stupid) parts very well.My only gripe is that it ran for about ten minutes too long in my opinion. It probably could have been trimmed somewhere in the middle to make it just that little bit tighter. Still fun though.
There are some Funny Bits in this Comedy, Enough that Anyone could Hope for in a Tightly Cast, Daring Try on the Outdated Las Vegas Strip Magic Shows versus the Modern Gross Out Shenanigans of Shock and Awe Performers.The Movie moves along Quite Nicely Until the Third Act where things get a bit Silly and Over the Top with an Audience Disappearing Act that is Handled Badly and is Neither Funny or Fun. But Until We get there it is a Touching and Often Hilarious Series of Sketches and Insights into the the Magicians and the Magic they Embrace first as a Love that Requires Nurturing and Not Repetition.Jim Carrey, Steve Buscemi, Alan Arkin, James Gandolfini, and Olivia Wilde all Contribute Nicely in this Fairy Tale of Friendship, Ego, and Showmanship in Support of Steve Carell who could have Amped it Up for some Contrast. Underrated and Worth a Watch for an Entertaining Entry into the Difficult Task of Delivering a Tricky, Charming, and Offbeat Little Movie that is Above Average.
Many Hollywood types have a deep embarrassing secret-- they love magic.Harry Anderson, Steve Martin, Woody Allan and so many more are members of the magic fraternity. (Here's a quick list of just some you might not know not surprising, therefor, that periodically we get a movie that is really written and intended for the magic community. This movie is definitely one of them. Faithful in its depiction of magic and magicians, both the good and the bad, it is a delightful, funny and touching story about how we can lose our purpose in life and, if we are lucky enough, find it again.A particular treat is Jim Carey doing a wonderful satire of Chris Angel, a man who is controversial in magic circles, to say the least. The casting of Carey borders on brilliant as he is one of the few comedians I can think of who can out over-the-top Angel.This movie may not play to your tastes if you're not interested in the world of magicians. But if you are, it is an absolute delight.