To me, this movie is perfection.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Michael Angelcynn
1) The accents were cringe-worthily bad. I wasn't sure if I was listening to Cornish, Irish, Spanish or Klingon. The lead actor, particularly, was perfectly capable of putting all four into his lines and randomly mixing them up. 2) Rarely will you see an American "period" film which does anything but recklessly re-write history, usually to the detriment of the country or people it targets (bitter that America doesn't have one?). This is among the worst for that crime, but take a look at the writer and director and you cannot, surely, be surprised. 3) Considering it was made in 2009, I was under the impression I was watching something from the 70s. Poor acting on a scale as bad as "Land Of The Giants", poor story and even worse editing.
I gave this movie a 7 out of 10. Whats to like, Adrian Paul devours this role and has fun with it something rare for him to play a comedic action role and he seems to be enjoying every minute. The Dialogue for the SyFy channel is a few steps above the usual as are many of the production values some have been mentioned by other reviewers. No this isn't the multi-million dollar romp of a Capatain Jack not at all but this is Captain Drake so a few things look a bit fake but on the other hand some things look great. David Flores has directed a few B-Movies and been on the production staff of a few others he is beginning to mature if you ask me as a director of these types of movies its not always about the budget its about the creativity in how you use that budget. Realizing this movie at best had a 1.5 - 3 million dollar budget is whats important how much can you do on a shoestring. These movies take imagination and the duel someone else mentioned is really well done and stylish. Some of todays best directors came from these low budget bonanazas like Sam Raimi, Wes craven, heck John Carpenter sitll makes lots of B Movies hie latest the Ward was way better than Sucker Punch. So I have hope for David Flores and recommend this movie that its quiet obvious to me he had fun making the charm the little touches of style and flare. I liked it, and its a step above most films on the SyFy network. Now would I buy it on DVD maybe if its in the discount bin.
This was one of the worst movies I ever attempted to watch. I love Adrian Paul but his 'acting' was totally bad if you even want to call it 'acting'. It was as if he was resisting to even reciting the lines given in the script and just spit them out as 'whatever' - Okay so it was a badly written script. How desperate was Paul to do this? Even the sound track was bad! The whole movie was pitiful. I couldn't even finish it. I believe that anything (especially a film) to be done is worth doing right. It is possible to do even a low budget film in the right way but evidently the writer, producer and director of this film haven't figured that out yet and take absolutely no pride in what they do! Wes Ramsey (as 'Peter Easton') did the best acting of all even with the lame writing in the script. I believed his character anyway. Kudos to Wes for doing the best he could with such horrible dialog! Even George Lucas can write better dialog than Rafael Jordan! The overall storyline was interesting, even though it was certainly not reflective of actual events in the life of Sir Francis Drake. This venture was a total waste of time for the actors and anyone who was unfortunate enough to watch it, even for a few minutes. Even 'Ishtar' deserved an Academy Award compared to this flick.Of course, other reviewers seem to really like this one. Everyone has different opinions and take aways from films they watch.I have said this before and I'll say it now...SciFi (now SyFy) Channel should turn to the writers and directors of its wonderful 'commercials' to write a good 'original' film for its network! SyFy has proved to show horrible and poorly written 'original' films on a regular basis - Get with the program SyFy Executives! With the right writers, great made-for-TV films are possible - even on a lower budget.
I felt the film was as good as it could possibly get, being that it was a film on the Sci-fi channel. Personally, I liked The Immortal Voyages of Captain Drake. I felt it was fun and entertaining. It was Adrian Paul at his playful best. It seemed obvious that he relished the role and was having a lot of fun. When the actors on screen have fun I tend to enjoy the film a little more.The Immortal Voyages of Captain Drake was not the usual Pirate lark. I felt it was a touch Homer's the Odyssey and a touch Pirates of the Carribbean with a hint of Shiharazard and Aladdin. A story filled with magic, great sword fights, more depth than one would expect from the commercials. Its a very adventurous story with lots of great FX and CGI. Of course I laughed a lot because, hello, it was almost B-grade, can you say Giant Lobster Monster? But in spite of some of the hilarious FX it was quite the romp and quite fun. Delightfully fun!There seems to be a showing of this film tonight, Thursday, February 5 2009 on the Sci-fi channel at 8 pm or 9 pm. I look forward to seeing it again.