If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Don't let the truck fool you....this was unforgivably awful. First of all, I find it funny that the title of the movie claims to be The Ice Cream Truck, and yet the truck doesn't even show up until a half hour into the movie! It seemed like ten minutes for the opening credits to end, so lets entertain you in the meantime and show you screenshots of beautiful homes that have absolutely nothing to do with the movie! And what do you think of when you hear the words....ice cream truck? Kids? Yeah, well, there are no children chasing after the truck. In fact, they got it half butt backward, and you see an adult chasing down the ice cream truck. Hello? Anyone in there? Did you think it was a little funny, this ice cream truck is driving around at nighttime, when the kids are sleeping, inviting you in his truck....don't you think this is a little odd? Yeah, go on in there, you deserve to die, if you're that stupid. God, what this guy wouldn't do for a Klondike bar. Once again, we got a dork with a knife, and no explanation why he's so upset with his victims, that he wants to off his customers and innocent people off. The story line barely exists, instead, we have long boring sequences of...virtually nothing. Cookie cutter characters just waiting to get cut apart by a cookie cutter. No, just joking, but, uh, be prepared to see the ice cream scooper used as a weapon. I've never seen that before, but you don't get any stars for it. Last half hour pissed me off so much, I was actually rooting for the killer. Can't spoil why, but I was thinking "TAKE NO PRISONERS NOW!" Overall, I think this movie sucked! Even the kills weren't worth the watch, instead of graphic kills, we get many shots of fake blood getting splattered. Acting was horrible, if you want to call that acting. Bottom line...let everything in this ice cream truck melt, along with any feelings you have towards it. 1 out of 10 stars! You don't even deserve 1 star, imdb is making me give it to you.
Steve Dennis Garner
I really enjoyed the movie a lot except for the Ice Cream Guy, could've done better there but JOHN REDLINGER aka Max, is EVERYTHING !!! Dear God! Something that hunky has got to be a sin.....oh wait, it is. The movie itself was entertaining. I was living thru the lead actress, loved the kooky neighbors, the ambiance was spooky at times but John Redlinger.....holy cow....I wish I were a 30 something suburban woman with time on my hands and a yard that needs work!!! (watch the movie, you'll know what I mean). Take it for a spin, I bet you'll like it (not the ice cream guy, sorry). Hey John, call me! LOL :)
Had a ball watching Ice Cream Truck! Even tho the plot was somewhat predictable, the characters were fun and pretty attractive too. Just enough creepiness mixed in with some good old-fashioned erotic tension. Particularly enjoyed the music! Interesting score and incidental music along the way. Loved the actual ice cream truck, very cool antique! Surprise ending really threw me. I'd watch it again.
Luca Dryden
Always check IMDb and never rely on RT score alone. My bad. Didn't do my due diligence. 60% on RT. The current score on IMDb is much more appropriate. 4.4 I give it a 1. For a huge waste of time. Spoilers: 1. Acting doesn't consist of just furrowing your brow. 2. No background, no explanation for murderous Ice Cream truck man makes no sense. 3. Creeper moving man shows up at end of the movie. No point to him. 4. Kid that was apparently murdered and his gf show up the next day. 5. None of this can be explained by "unreliable protag" trope since the actions of the serial killer ice cream man happen when primary character isn't watching him.Really stupid and I am totes going to blame Milennials for this. It's like cool generations skip a gen, X and Z are great; while Boomers and Gen Y are pretentious you know whats.