Best movie ever!
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Attempting to do a documentary, a film crew filming their experiences as they go looking for the most extreme haunted house in the country stumble upon the location of a real-life haunted house run by a group of deranged individuals looking to do more than play a friendly game with them.This here was an overall decent enough offering. One of the more enjoyable elements of this one is the initial setup featured here which has a lot of rather enjoyable elements featured within here. The fact that they're so intent on going through the different attractions throughout the country means this one has a lot of cheesy good fun with the group walking through the other attractions. Being found-footage means that the first-hand account of them walking in the dark with the different people dressed up as demons, evil clowns and other such characters gives this a deciedly creepy atmosphere as if it's being experienced first hand by the viewer which is plenty of fun. The second stop which is the interactive experience adds some incredibly fine action to the proceedings, and with the later encounter in the RV as they leave has a finely chilling atmosphere to the whole affair. The final few sessions, where they get into the last haunt and get into the confrontation with the demented persona from before it sets up the insanely creepy sequence of the group being secretly filmed by the lone member of the society which is one of the finest points of the film. As that turns into the group being unsure of whether the people they encounter are really demented or just playing a twisted and extreme version of the attractions they're looking for, the action picks up nicely withthe series of encounters being far more aggressive and hostile from the abductions at the festival as well as the bus ride out to the true location gives this a rather intense vibe as there's a real sense of everything being done for real instead of as a game which is a large part of the unease feltduring this part of the film. As that enhances the atmosphere of the situation even more during the terror-filled finale where they're forced through the remote house which straddles the line between what is real or not makes this section all the better. These here manage to hold this one up while it does have a few minor issues involved here. The biggest problem is the fact that this one tends to really build up an atmosphere about the supposedly legendary house they're going to that it doesn't have any hope of living up to it, leaving the ending as a real let-down. This one doesn't really stand-up to the buildup as it seems incredibly rushed with them going through in a rather short time that doesn't have the impact of the earlier haunts. Alongside plenty of useless inserts that don't do much and really could've been taken out to enhance the pacing, these here are what hold it back.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Violence and Nudity.
I liked the movie a lot, especially now a days it's hard to find scary movies. This didn't have a whole lot of jump scares, which I liked, but definitely had the creep factor the whole way through. Lots of suspense and wondering what was around the next corner. However it had a lot of questions about how the characters could be so dumb. I felt as though there were plenty of points where I said "STOP! TURN AROUND BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!!" But that generally comes with the territory of scary movies. I was glad I watched it, but not something I think I would watch again.
While this movie has some little scares here and there, it ultimately falls flat. The premise is a bit fresh for the found footage genre: Four friends on a road trip to find the best "extreme" haunt, but inadvertently bring the haunt to themselves. The acting is decent, the movie looks pretty good but sadly those are the only pluses. The scenes at the various haunted houses were the most interesting part of this movie to me, as the absolute idiocy of the characters stretched my suspension of disbelief. **SPOILERS** For example, after being accosted by various haunted house workers MULTIPLE TIMES while parking their RV in the middle nowhere over the course of the movie, the characters CONTINUE to park their RV in the middle of nowhere in woods or a field rather than finding a campsite, a WalMart or anywhere else that would be safer. Especially makes no sense since at least the first few stops on their haunted house tour are planned, so why wouldn't they also plan to stop the RV somewhere convenient? They also seem to think being stalked doesn't need a call to the police or, I don't know...STOPPING THEIR TRIP?! The female character even almost gets raped by some haunted house workers, and two seconds later is chomping on snacks in the RV, happily going onto the "extreme haunt" without a care. This makes their screams and panicking with each "scary" encounter ultimately meaningless, because it doesn't ever seem to be enough for even one of them to suggest that keeping going might be dangerous. By the middle of the movie I found myself murmuring to myself "They are so stupid they deserve to get killed." Ultimately even the end of the movie was kind of 'eh' as there was absolutely no gore or anything gross to make the hour and twenty minutes you already watched really worth it. If you are really bored on a rainy Sunday and want to yell at idiot twenty somethings this movie is for you, otherwise skip it.
Spoiler Alert!This review contains spoilers, but let's be honest if it's 2016 and you haven't seen this stretched out short do not see it now. Go your own way, awful things lurk here.Things like: No character motivation, why do these characters (especially after one if almost raped) continue to pursue this dead end adventure when they are clearly being stalked? Why are they filming it? One says he was a film school drop out, but not everyone who set foot in film school films everything.Why are they being stalked? If so many millions of people go to haunts each year why is this group chosen for the blue skeleton? There is an indication that some of the staff at the first haunt are stalking them because they made an ill advised decision to proclaim their love of Halloween from the roof top of a haunt, but that's not explored any deeper.Was that last haunt actually the blue skeleton or some murder cult that tricked them? This is one of those questions that would have made the movie better.Who wrote the script? Everyone behind a mask sounds like the same guy trying to sound southern, but has never heard a southern accent. Every haunt worker who adds to the plot sounds like this. The ending is so bad that it's not even certain who dies. Being buried alive is everyone's worst nightmare, but its been in so many movies that you need some kind of special twist to make it intriguing anymore. On top of that, the crazy haunt workers who bury them don't act very crazy, they basically bury them in about three feet of dirt them smoke a cigarette and talk about what's for lunch, which probably wasn't even a terrifying meal of people! They probably just went to Denny's and had pancakes like a normal family, which still would have been creepier than the actual ending!They might have cut off one character's tongue, but you never see the tongue or really even know if that's what happened. They might have cut up one fella with a chain saw, but then you see him getting buried alive.I thought that they may have been going for some ambiguity, but they set up very terrifying questions and then instantly answer them, and leave really boring questions unanswered. Did any haunts actually use real corpses? Who knows...On top of the terrible script, lack of character motivation, poor attempt at ambiguity, and ending where they did literally every right thing wrong, the actors (who might have been great with a good script or entirely different movie) were all cookie cutters of each other. Every male except Mike is the exact same character. So much so that by the middle of the movie I couldn't figure out who was who. Mike is only different because he is a little bit dumber, has red hair and a beard. Brandy had a chance of standing out, but turned into a lackluster version of a female co-star.This is the first review I've ever written so go easy on me. If my review is awful consider the source material. If you skipped then entire review to find the point at the end, here is the point.Do not watch this movie. It's awful.