The House Where Death Lives

1981 "Welcome to Bloodhouse, where a woman's screams means NO ESCAPE!"
4.3| 1h22m| R| en| More Info
Released: 23 January 1981 Released
Producted By: Trauma Associates
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A nurse goes to a house to care for a crippled old man. Then people in the house start being murdered.



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Alan Beattie

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Trauma Associates


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The House Where Death Lives Audience Reviews

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Rich Wright You know, despite my general low ratings of them, there's something strangely addictive about early 80's slasher flicks. You know... people potter around aimlessly for ages, before the soundtrack stops and you just KNOW they're about to be incapacitated with a knife/hook/chair leg (Delete where applicable). Even here, where it seems to take FOREVER till the first death (And that's a dog), most of the victims are taken care of by a simple WHACK to the temple (Not very scary, that) and there's an implausible TWIST at the end (Which gets more stupid the more you think about it) it's all rather endearing.It was made with love and affection, by a director who shoots far too many scenes in the dark and doesn't have a clue about building suspense, and a writer who, apart from the pretty leading lady, writes dull characters and sets out the most boring set-pieces for murder imaginable, before that incomprehensible conclusion. If this movie was a child, I would give him a pat on the back for effort, then stick a D cap on his head before sending him to the back of the class. AND make him stay for extra homework... 3/10
Coventry Slow-moving and pseudo-intellectual horror/thriller that never at one point measures up to its glorious title – the alternate VHS box title that is – "The House Where Death Lives". I honestly hesitated to stop watching the film several times during the first half hour already because it's so boring and absolutely nothing indicates that it might get better anytime soon. The story handles about a young and attractive nurse who moves into the mansion of a wealthy but crippled elderly man (one of the final roles of horror legend Joseph Cotton of "Baron Blood" and "The Abominable Dr. Phibes") to look after him. The man recently lost his son and unwillingly obtained custody over his estranged 16-year-old suspiciously behaving grandson Gabriel. Then there's also three other servants living in the mansion and one mentally unbalanced son that lives locked away in a remote bedroom. One giant big happy family, in other words! The mishmash of personalities soon causes tensions in the house and people start turning up dead. Seriously, the title ought to be changed to "The house where you are bored to death" or something, as this is really one of the most uninteresting and substantially void horror movies I've seen in my entire life. The nurse character is dull and damp (even her sexual hallucinations are tedious) whilst all the other characters are plain and simply irritating. You possibly can't bring yourself to feel sympathy for any of them and you actually just hope they all die quick and gruesomely. There's not a trace of suspense, the supposedly ingenious twist-ending is hugely derivative and the murders are uninspired and bloodless. Bloodless, damned! What's the point of an early 80's horror movie when the set up is dull and the deaths are gore-free? I've seen episodes of my mother's daily soap opera that were more exciting than this turkey. One to avoid at all costs, unless of course you suffers from a bad case of insomnia. Where all medication fails, this movie is guaranteed to put you asleep.
lemon_magic To be fair, I have to admit to something up front: just before e I saw "Delusion/The House Where Death Lives", I happened to see the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" for the first time at a midnight movie showing. TCM knocked my socks off, and I was hungry for more rousing, scary movies that I had never heard of. In my naiveté, I assumed that "TCM" was only the tip of the iceberg, and that there many more, dozens more, as good or better, if only I were able to track them down. So when a friend and I saw this was playing at a local movie house (since gone under), we decided to take a chance, even though we'd heard nothing about it and had no idea where it came from. My reasoning was: I'd never heard of "Chainsaw" before I saw it, and it was great. I'd never heard a single thing about "Delusion" either. Therefore, it might be great, or at least interesting. The fact that absolutely no one else bought tickets for our showing should have clued us that there might be a problem, but alas, it did not. 40 minutes into the movie, both of us were sitting slumped in our seats, unable to move, brought almost to the edge of death by the boredom and sluggish pacing and dead-weight performances of this movie. I am not kidding. We both later agreed that the sensation was not unlike being drained of blood while floating in a quagmire of cooked farina. While the movie was playing, no hope or joy or animation was possible. summoning the energy to talk back to the screen or hoot in derision or make wisecracks was inconceivable. The movie went on and on and on, and nothing happened, and nothing happened, and then there was a moment where a guy was stuck in a storeroom and was scared and yelling and it was almost exciting, but then he got killed and the movie went back to being an exercise in excruciating boredom. Because we were young and vital (20-year-olds), we managed to hang on until the credits rolled. And once the movie stopped sitting on our heads and trying to kill us, we were able to summon enough energy to leave the theater and, eventually, to get on with our lives. I know I am not being fair to this movie. I went in hoping for the visceral thrills of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and got something entirely different, and HWDL suffered greatly in comparison to my 20 year old tastes. (Perhaps if it had appeared as "Delusion" instead of the alternate title, my expectations might have been different.) And I certainly wasn't used to dubbed movies or moody Gothic pieces.So if I were to watch it again (say, catching it on cable), I might have far more tolerance for the movie than I did in 1980. But I will always remember the way "The House Where Death Lives" seemed to suck the life right out of my body.
RareSlashersReviewed A young nurse named Meredith accepts a job looking after an ageing millionaire in his secluded country home. Almost as soon as she arrives strange events begin occuring. It then becomes apparent that someone is murdering all the occupants of the house and making their deaths look like bizarre accidents. It's left up to Meredith to try and reveal the killer's identity before she ends up next on his list. Firstly don't be disillusioned by the back of the video blurb that would lead you to believe that DELUSION is 'a chiller in the mould of THE OMEN or REPULSION.' This is pure whodunit? owing more of a knowing nod towards Christie than Carpenter. Although saying that, slasher fans will find the odd thrill here, including one or two decent edge of your seat jolts and a couple of brutal slayings. It looks pretty well budgeted, cleverly shot and the cast do their jobs efficiently. The flicks main problem lies in the fact that it seems to drag far too much in between murders and it began to get a little too tedious towards the end. It's nicely directed and genuinely well acted but lacks the cheese that made most of it's hack and slash counterparts from that era so loveable. Smart in places, but hardly memorable enough to ever be watched more than once. HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW is a much better effort, rent that instead.