This is a powerful and beautifully crafted movie about a woman named Pam who is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in her early sixties...very real and emotional, while possessing a hauntingly artistic quality as the movie is interspersed with magnificent ethereal watercolors painted by Pam's mother, also a victim of Alzheimer's. I would suggest anyone with a family member who has been diagnosed with this diseases watch this film, but be warned: There is no candy-coating here. This is a real as it gets. You will see all the frustration, the heart-break, the fear, the anger - and yes, sometimes even the humor that accompanies this most heart-wrenching condition where you slowly witness a loved one fading away, bit by painful bit. My only complaint is that the movie did not seem just "cuts off" abruptly, which I believe was due to funding problems.