Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
This film is a glaringly one-sided propaganda piece. At no point during the film is anyone interviewed that would present a viewpoint that is contrary to the prevailing attitude of the film. The science is presented inaccurately and, of course, slanted toward the anti-technology, Luddite view that is obviously held by the film-makers. In addition to the manipulative, preachy quality of the film, it was also exceptionally boring and ugly to look at. It had the feel of a very amateur production. I find it very disturbing that so many people have reviewed this film favorably and claim that it is extremely important and a must-view, etc... Obviously there are many people out there who are willing to go along with such propaganda unquestioningly and do not even care to hear alternative viewpoints or rebuttals from the vilified parties. This, to me, is much more frightening than the "threat" to our food presented in this film.
... and I mean EVERYONE... but most importantly by all Americans. Save the money from your next gorefest and buy a DVD of this movie and give it to a friend... ... for its a movie that deals with the most basic of human necessities... our need for food...This film deal with the changes to the way farming is done (primarily in the United States) and how along with the methods, how farm produce has also changed. It tells about the effects this change has on people all around the world...This documentary isn't all about the doom hanging over the United States, although as I sat there watching it I couldn't help but feel that Americans are dooming themselves... not because of greed or the intent to harm... but merely because of the absence of information... ... and information is what this film gives... make a truly informed decision, one that will help you, your family and your community
[email protected]
I'm just curious as to why some of the negative reviewers sound like they may be working secretly for Archer Daniels Midland or Monsanto. Their bleating objections strike me as being pseudo defensive and very similar to those expressed by the tobacco industry when they're charged with deception and killing people with their product or when "An Inconvenient Truth" broke open the Global Warming debate and conservatives denied its veracity. Someone should check on those guys and how they earn a living. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed "The Future of Food" and felt it did us a great service by expressing another viewpoint OTHER than what we get from the big corporations and our government. I wish it were our government. It's an important film and well worth seeing and further discussion.
This movie was truly shocking. I had no idea what was really truly happening with our food supply, I mean I had an idea, but I didn't think it was this bad. Makes you wanna run out into the streets and shout. I agree with the previous previewer, it is totally watchable for kids, and actually this should be shown in schools, libraries, where ever you can get a group together to see it. This info has got to get out there. WOW! What do we do? How do we do it? What do you eat? Where do you shop? Think about those things. See the movie and then make some changes! Maybe plant your own garden, or join a local CSA... do something!