Truly Dreadful Film
Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Excellent but underrated film
Best movie ever!
First and foremost "Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck" must be considered nothing more than a vanity project for David Keith, who both stars and directs. His stereotyped "big white hunter" act is a challenge to watch. What is not difficult to watch is naked "Playmate Bunny", Kathy Shower, getting lubed and oiled by some native women. Otherwise, the story is familiar, the jungle scenery acceptable, and Keith's seaplane scenes at least help to maintain interest. Whoever thought up the idea that somehow you can mix comedy with decapitations and rape, in what was obviously not intended as dark humor, should have been clued they had a concept that wasn't fully developed. - MERK
If this movie was Spielberg would have had more. Since these strontium on the assumption that a film must be beautiful to be directed by big names like Spielberg, Lucas, Jackson, Cameron. .. All these assessments are wrong you understand the level of bad opinion of this site. Only films for intellectuals can be saved. This film was produced with many dollars and the optimal use of special effects make the place as among the best science fiction film Americans. Finitela of using double standards when judged as a movie, try to be objective because they give 3.8 a film of its kind and reward a crap how terrible sin city with 8.2 is really a 'offense. you are full of prejudices, in some ways this film is more teerminator terminator salvation. Vote 10
Looking through the other comments, I'm amazed that there aren't any warnings to potential viewers of what they have to look forward to when renting this garbage. First off, I rented this thing with the understanding that it was a competently rendered Indiana Jones knock-off. What I got was one of the most offensive movies I can remember trying to sit through, made all the more shocking by the movie's comparatively high production values.I don't think this is a spoiler, but if it is, be warned...If your idea of entertainment is watching Bimbo getting raped from behind by Fearsome Tribal Chief, while she is staring into the dead eyes of her significant other's severed head, by all means, rent this flick. If not, I'd advise you to look elsewhere for entertainment.Come to think of it, that scene so succinctly sums up the movie that there's nothing else I really need to say about it.
L. Lion
Although this is generally a cheesy jungle-adventure movie, it does have some highlights - the settings are quite beautiful, and the pacing of the adventure is good. You won't be bored watching it.Keith is as breezy as possible playing the eponymous lead, an unabashedly drunk jungle guide shanghai'd into escorting rich boy Van Hoffman and his gorgeous wife Shower on a hunting expedition in cannibal country. He never takes things seriously . Shower is there as decoration and Keith makes extensive use of her - she doesn't really have to act much. She's not the only female to show off her body and the prurient aspects of the film make it about halfway to a T/A picture.There's nothing in this film that would draw specific attention to it, or away from it. Produced to be shlock, it succeeds without too much fuss. A good 2 AM cable programmer.