Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Taha Avalos
The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Every once in a while a movie comes along that takes hold and never lets go. The Five Senses does that, from the beginning to the end, in a way where you know leaving your seat will cause you to miss a vital part of the movie. Knowing this, you can't help but remain on the sofa, recliner or your favorite movie chair until the final credits begin scrolling the screen. There is no need for me to detail the movie because I could not do it justice. The only way to get this movie, is to simply watch it for yourself. It's as simple as that and by not watching The Five Senses, you are missing out on a touching film.
I found this film wonderful for it's philosophic look at what we value. I myself am a countertenor like Daniel Taylor, and I know that my sense of hearing is very important for me!Likewise, I want to say *BRAVO* for the inclusion of Daniel Taylor in the film! I think he added so much! How often are people of the countertenor voice range included in film? --Only the movie Farinelli features one (though, playing a castrato!) I think that film is a great way to open the public to this new (though very old!) way of sining.Perhaps the goal of this film, and the reason why it is so good, is the challenge to thye audience to look at what they value, and insert with that philosophic questiing, new horizions on every front.~Carson
The sense of sensing identity unifies these people by means of there (organic) five senses. They smell, see, hear, taste and touch each other by means of their sixth sense:they discover it by theirselves and by each other by means of the same senses. There are many more senses... But it is beautiful to see a film which show so many senses only by showing five of them.
George Parker
People have five senses (supposedly). So, why not make a movie about five people each having an issue with one of the senses? Wow! Getting goose bumps yet?Such is the shallow nature of "Five Senses", another in a fad of boring "Magnolia" type wannabee flicks which doggedly hammers at its story of loosely interconnected characters in a futile attempt to make it fit its lame premise. We get to see actors moping about incessantly as though bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. What we don't get is a story with depth, characters sufficiently developed so we can empathize with them, and most of all, a reason to care. A lackluster bit of trite, pretentious, self-involved, stylish filmdom fluff.