The Age of Commercialism
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Having had dogs for the past 16 years I felt it was necessary to see this as backyard breeding is becoming more and more common and people are making i Australia anywhere from $2000-6000 per designer breed dogs. Now that's big business if there are 6-8 in a litter. This film is not showing the cruel side but instead how there is a right and a wrong way to breed. I did a lot of research before buying my puppy recently to ensure he wasn't made just for money. Please watch this and do the same.
This movie starts out by honestly portraying the kind of puppy mills that are the problem. It is produced by Protect the Harvest, an organization that works to protect the rights of families in animal industries.The breeder in the movie is not by definition a "puppy mill" but rather a 3rd generation professional breeder of high quality hunting dogs.The movie does a good job of pointing out the ugly side of the animal rights movement and the damage that can result from the combination of an ambitious deep pocketed non profit and overzealous, inexperienced law enforcement.Even with it's clear agenda, the movie is well written and the acting is very good. If you don't come in with any preconceived notions as some of the previous reviews clearly have, you will enjoy the movie for what it is, a classic David and Goliath with a very modern setting.
THE GOOD...A refreshing look at the immoral politics of the so-called "animal-rights" industry (and yes it's an industry). Acting is good. Cast is good. Story is overall entertaining and kept my interest.THE BAD...Yes, it is a bit one-sided, but only inasmuch as it fails to portray the other side as one-dimensional as the truly are. Sorry, but no PETA (they use a different name, but we all know who they are referring to) activist would be that committed to fairness and truth. These people are radicals that care nothing for truth, as is abundantly illustrated by many of the negative reviews of this movie on this site. The writers used the term "livelihood" a bit too much. It may be a selling point to some people, by but-and-large it's a weak argument, or secondary at best.THE UGLY...It's way, waaay to close to the horrible, ugly truth. PETA actually does stuff like that. They slaughter thousands of animals each year (, many are healthy, adoptable dogs and cats. They don't "love" animals; they love the money they bilk from gullible people who fall for their con.
Chris Ksoll
Sometimes a movie will trick you and make you think it is about something, when it is really about something else. This is clearly a movie to make you think animal welfare people are extreme-but it is pretending to be a movie. It is 90 minutes of that. They try to craft a plot line, but it fails because all that screams out is an agenda. What a disappointment. Frankly, the topic just does not lend itself to a movie. I can't get those 90 minutes back. It was kind of surprising to see a series of B actors in it--but I guess actors are doing commercials now so maybe I should not be so surprised. If there was an agenda and they had made it clear up front, I would not have felt cheated.