Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
People are voting emotionally.
Best movie ever!
I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
When you insist that this film can be regarded as Marxist propaganda, is not it smell internationale :-) 12 year old boy struggling with the cruel and ruthless capitalist, but lacked the slogan "kids of all countries unite" But seriously I really liked this movie when I was a kid and still is my favorite. But now, as almost 24 year old guy beginning to see in this film, second bottom, a red bottom :-) This boy is an exemplary socialist fighting with a bad capitalist, really worth seeing this movie. You can even tempted to declare that this film should be the preferred material for teaching the youth section of the Comunist Party. as an example of revolutionary terror against rotten capitalists:-)
Don't listen to the above. This is one of the best pre-teen, teen-age movies of the mid-80's. While watching this movie today as an adult you see the flaws, but as a kid this movie has it all. The kid who serves as the hero, the evil bank villain, the baseball team, the hot mom, everything. If you want to escape life for 2hrs, this is one of your best bets to do so. Great time for kids and adults alike. Peter Billingsley and his motorcycle are one of the best duos of our time.Watch this movie and...SAVE MIKE'S DOGHOUSE!!!
This, the Karate Kid Part II, and Flight of the Navigator were the first three movies I ever had on VHS, and boy did I wear them out. This is in many ways the classic 80s kid's movie story. Evil developer/lawyer types want to pave over the hot dog restaurant, or the Goonies' house, or Ernest's summer camp, or Demi Moore's grandparents, and our heroes spring into action!That hilarious kid who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story plays a nerd in a town where every kid inexplicably has a motorbike (even 12 y/o girls ride pink Vespas). He buys a junky old dirt bike that he fixes up in a montage scene, and the bike comes to life and can do awesome stuff on its own. Using his super-bike, Ralphie must stop a evil, greedy banker from paving over Mike's Dog House, the local hot dog joint. It's a fun movie for kids, and the good guys win at the end.
I recently saw the movie on the "DISNEY CHANNEL" and I thought it was magnificant. After seeing this movie I think there should be a flying bike in all of the movies. I give it 40 * out of 40 * One of my most favorite movies of all time. Anyone who likes this one should see cop and a half and problem child 1 and 2