Truly Dreadful Film
Suman Roberson
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Simple movie, well produced, and decent acting.The villain in particular has a good balance of menace and charm, and you get a sense of the sleazy desperation of a gang on the run. What it's missing is dialogue that gives you a conflict between liking the villains while fearing their unpredictable threat.Once the parents start driving the plot it becomes steadily more unbelievable, until you reach the ludicrous end - which gave me a good laugh. Finding one of the girls in the woods at night? Nope. Middle aged man surviving that many blows? No chance.The point of this is to get bums on seats through the promise of controversial violence. Got to say it's quite tame, almost everything is off camera, and none of it made me uncomfortable or awed me with the extreme cruelty of the version I saw was cut.
But that is still not saying much about this film. I'm not even sure where to begin. I guess I'll start with the "message" at the very beginning. As others have already said, it was a very lame attempt by the filmmakers to justify the content of their little film. Very lame. If you're gonna make a somewhat violent film about rape and murder, then just make the film and leave it at that. There was absolutely no reason to try and pretend that it was made as some sort of message to parents and kids about being safe from murdering rapists. They could have just said, "don't walk through the woods with a stranger while trying to score drugs" and not even bothered with trying to make a film out of it. While it is not the worst movie I have ever seen, or even the most disturbing for that matter, it is not worth watching either. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Some people can't resist the temptation to see what all the "controversy" is about (myself included), but I can assure you it's not as disturbing as some would have you believe and it's just not really worth the time. Pass.
How the makers of this film were not sued by the copyright holders of Last House on the Left is beyond me. The plot and characters are almost identical to those in the 1972 classic. The fact that this movie credits a story writer seems like a joke.The gore and brutality is quite severe. This is clearly an attempt to make Chaos an "extreme" film along the lines of Salo or Irreversible. However the filmmakers failed to realize that shock without substance or originality is merely a cheep stunt. When a DVD contains a lengthy interview with the producer and director trying to justify why their film has merit and that all the bad reviews are really positive if you read them the right way you know you're in trouble.
Sad, Sad, Sad. "Chaos", is horrible. It was very disturbing and not well written. The movie focuses on two girls who get lured away from a party by a man who will give them free drugs. Then are beaten, raped, and murdered by his dad, his dads girlfriend, and their friend. The part that got to me most was the rape scenes. The scenes were way to graphic. Another problem was the plot. The plot was very predictable and was not even scary one bit. The creators of this film take the plot of another movie,"The last House On The Left", change a couple of things, and claim it all their own. Which by the way David DeFalco LHOTL is a great movie unlike yours. This movie was sadistic and the director tried to hard to make it the most disturbing, graphic, disgusting movie ever made. When the girl gets her nipple cut off and is made to eat it proves that David DeFalco is a sick, twisted man. The only reason i gave it a star is because the acting wasn't bad. Everything else was very disturbing. I love horror films that are graphic and disturbing but this was way over the top.