Sadly Over-hyped
Excellent adaptation.
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Rainey Dawn
Well, it took about 40 minutes to get to them figuring out there something odd with the film that was developed... before that it's about the scientist that flew the plane who was caught speeding in his car in a tiny, tiny town and only had 2 tens on him for the fine so he was arrested and made to do community service to pay off the fine (that was about 1/2 of the movie). The last 15 to 20 minutes is the 2 in plane (photographer and scientist pilot) going back to the tiny, tiny town to rescue the people who already knew the area was prone to earthquake but had no idea that a large earthquake was going to hit them. They didn't argue with the 2 from the plane long before the earth started quaking. Then the people ran around trying to gather stupid things to bring with them before it gets to bad - minus the little girl trying to get the dog.That about sums up this film. It's OK enough for a one time watch.4/10
Shawn Connelly
If IMDb existed when I was eight years old and the first time I watched this made for TV movie of the week, I would have rated it a 9 or a 10.This story HAD such a profound affect on me, I remembered it and for the past few years, I searched for it on VHS, Usenet, Bittorrents, etc... without success. A week ago I brought this story up in a conversation and it dawned on me to see if Youtube had a trailer or clip available. What did I find? The *entire* movie! I was thrilled! So, thirty years later, I finally watch it again on Youtube. Unfortunately, it failed to captivate me in the same way as it did when I was eight years old. I found the dialog was simplistic and the acting was rather wooden. I was disappointed to find a little bit of racism (intentional or not?) in the script. On a positive note, as a sci-fi'ish disaster story, The Day the Earth Moved, is actually much better than many of the more modern disaster flicks. At least, this story doesn't insult one's intelligence.
"Style" is what this mini disaster film has going for it.The plot is standard procedure. No one will listen to a few nobodies who warn of impending doom, in this case an Earthquake.The movie plays more like a pilot episode for a decent TV show of down and out types. The difference here is that the characters are people you can care about.And that's just part of what make this work. A few dorks will only care about special effects and budget, which aren't a trademark here. However, this is entertainment for the rest of us.The "style" is in some of the out of the ordinary things that happen. Our hero is virtually kidnapped legally, to help out a down and out town. It is a great piece of writing.The writing of the characters, and the interesting desert scenery make this very interesting. There isn't anything "fantastic" about this, although a few eyebrow raising events.This is what "style" can do for a film.
Brian Washington
Even though this could be seen as a typical movie of the week. It was a pretty interesting one, especially for a combination disaster/science fiction pic. I especially loved the humor that Cleavon Little inserted in what could have been just another disaster pic. This definitely is a decent if not good movie of the week.