I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lack of good storyline.
Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Haven Kaycee
It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
I read through most of the reviews here, and unless I missed it, did anyone get that triple K is KKK, for Ku Klux Klan? Maybe it was so obvious that no one bothered mentioning it.. Maybe not. Well, my brother forced this video on me a while back, and I must admit I enjoyed it, mainly for its originality and mean spirited sense of humor. Like someone else mentioned, its a breath of fresh air from all of the huge budgeted, over-produced CGI-fests that Hollywood keeps pooping out! For those of you who didn't like it, don't worry. I'm sure there's a new Ben Stiller "comedy" coming out soon. The only reason I didn't give it a ten is that it does strain your patience a bit.
This is a great movie on a bunch of levels. First of all, Jerry Bruckheimer, eat your heart out. You don't need $200 million and CGI explosions to make a good movie. Second, whatever you are expecting of this movie will be wrong. I try to explain it to my friends as a man moving to a small South Carolina town, and messing with this old redneck on the phone. I know how scintillating that sounds, but once you see it, you will get it. It is laugh out loud funny at many points. You are highly entertained, but puzzled throughout the movie, and then the ending ties it all together in a way that hits you hard emotionally in a completely unexpected way. It also manages the social commentary on racism in a roundabout non-preachy way that maximizes its effectiveness. As a native small town southerner, the atmosphere created is dead on accurate, and the great soundtrack of blues music puts the perfect finishing touches on. My friend made me watch this movie, and now I recommend it to everyone I know (except the people who saw biker boyz, if you liked that movie, please never watch Corn Dog Man). Watch this movie, you will be exchanging Ace and Penrod comments on the back and forth on the phone with all your friends for months.
I have to disagree with the last review. I thought this movie was hilarious. I mean, in order to make a movie about a guy who constantly gets harassed by a prank caller, the phone DOES have to ring quite a bit, doesn't it? DUH. If you got tired of hearing the phone ring, all you had to do is turn the channel. But instead of doing that, you watched the entire movie, which tells me it was more "entertaining" to you than you let on. I thought the movie was funny, but the main attraction I had to it was the fact that it was "unique." In this day and age of remakes and sequels, it's nice that someone finally came up with something different to make a movie about. I sure wish it was on DVD - I would buy it in a heartbeat. "What about the horizontal rod holders G**DAMMIT?!". How could a person not laugh at that excellent example of customer service???? HA HA HA HA HA HA!
This movie was so funny it made me cry. Noble Willingham should have won an Oscar for his portrayal of a tormented redneck with a guilty conscience. The physical environment of the movie was totally successful at evoking small-town life in the South. When is this coming out on DVD? I gave it a 10.