Overrated and overhyped
Fresh and Exciting
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
I pick up these cheap discount DVD's that have 4 movies for $5. Often you get lucky and there is one or two worth watching. This was not one of those. It was quite awful.The main plot element regarding keyless encryption is utter nonsense as far as I know. Keyless encryption already exists but is not very secure. Also during the movie the so called "keyless encryption" required a key to unlock it which is not that far fetched.From reading the reviews I get the impression know one knows what really happened in the beach scene. Possibly the writer knows?Two theories Theory 1. Quantum physics and teleportation (mentioned earlier in the movie) Personally I would never get into a teleportation device. You could NEVER know for certain that you aren't just being destroyed and an exact copy is being made (any teleportation technology would involve the destruction of the "source").Theory 2. John is a new messiah? David Warner's character mentions that John's name is in the code in reference to Jesus. John needs to release the code like Jesus spreading "the word".Not a religious man myself, but I often wonder about "odd" things like PI and prime numbers... fractals etc. Those are mathematical and bound by rules... but also relate to the so-called "natural" world. Math itself is part of the natural world. It existed before man, or the earth. Mathematics was not "invented" by man, it was "discovered". 2 plus 2 can never equal 5 (unless you are George Orwell). So how were those rules "created"? Is there another "universe" where 2 + 2 = 7? The filmmaker missed a great opportunity to do something interesting and thought provoking without needing to talk about nonsense things like "keyless encryption" and "bible codes".Overall, really bad movie. If a message was trying to be sent with this movie regarding the writer/director's religious beliefs as some reviewers seem to feel, the message could have been a tad less ephemeral.
I cannot believe that there are people out in the world that refuse to accept foresight and sci-fi concepts such as these. I am currently enrolled at Cambridge, and I was absolutely enthralled with the possibilities of this prose. How can you not hope to reach a higher level of understanding and meaning. As a Bio-Physics major, I am continually searching for answers without questions first. Ideas that have spawned a thought process of imagination. I believe as do another critic which I read earlier, that ALL things are possible, if you can think it. Otherwise, how did you come up with the concept. I firmly believe, that God gives us the dreams and imagination we have, because we can achieve it. As far as the film was concerned, I watched it several times. I recognized several British actors, as well as, the American James Fitzpatrick. I saw him another British Film, called U.S. Seals. A fine actor he is. If you are going to dream...dream imaginatively...not rehashed.
Keyless encryption? Is it possible? Is it like every other movie, that at one time or another, was considered science fiction and then came into reality. Reality is a very poignant word, when it comes to films, because I feel, that if you can foresee something, or think about a new idea, then it is reachable. Or it is creatable. Otherwise how in the world would we come-up with the idea. Being a film student, I gravitate to films such as this one (The Code Conspiracy) because it challenges my crafts choices. Instead of making another plain and simplistic story, I like to make sure that the audience members consider my theories. The actors were all very good. I like the male lead (Jim Fitzpatrick). He was interesting and played the moments very believably. I rate this movie a ten.
After reading several reviews on this film I thought I would add my twenty cents. The fact that I saw it several times, and there's still some mystery in it, still some ambiguity as to the possible meanings to all of the things that go on with John Davis, is what I find most compelling.It's not a film like 'Pi' where all of the pieces fall into place at just the right time and you know exactly where you stand. It's something rather that is left to the intelligence and imagination of the viewer. Was he really married...did he have kids? Did his partner really commit suicide? Did God, or an Angel...kill the FBI Agent? The ambiance is perfect. The acting is great, the dialogue is outstanding. The Bahamian 'Big Smile,' talking to John about his rebirth still moves me to this date and the two simple words suddenly spoken to a disbelieving John from some unseen source while in the Beach scene still mesmerizes me like no other movie can.Also there is a perplexing and scary scene in the middle where John witnesses his family's death (a missile shoots down the family Jet), then suddenly evil, ghostly demons express their joy over the catastrophe. There is a lot of haunting blue hues in most of the shots. I would like to see a better quality DVD put out for this one, but I'll take what I can get with this theory.See this movie then see it again and then see it after you change your thinking about life and religion. Don't over-analyze it and don't worry if some of it doesn't make sense, after all it's not all supposed to change your thinking...but instead, challenge your beliefs.